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Steven Blaisse was born in 1940.

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Petra Blaisse was born in 1955.

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Steven Bland died on August 21, 2005, in Alpine, Texas, USA.

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We Pasteurize our milk - named after Louis Pasteurthe French scientist who helped us to understand germs; We have Volts from the Italian scientist Alessandro Volta and the Galvanic cell named after his compatriot, Luigi Galvani; James Watt the English scientist; Ohm.
French scientist Blaisse Pascal - 1 atmosphere pressure = 101.3 kPa (kilo Pascals)
Newton is a unit of force;
Tesla is a unit of magnetic field;
Koch should have had vaccinations named after him (he developed the vaccination for tuberculosis. Vaccine comes from the French for cow - la vache!)
Salk developed the polio vaccine.
Archimedes shouted "Eureka" when he observed the displacement of his bathwater or so the legend says.
Omar Khayyam didn't just write great poetry but also was an astronomer. Ockham's Razor says "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is probably the best" (Loosely paraphrased.)
De Vinci, Copernicus, Kepler, Gallileo, Keppler(Astronomy), Avogadro, van Leeuwenhoek (microscope), Mendel (genetics), Nobel (who tried to redeem himself with the Nobel Prize foundation);
Becquerel and Curie in radioactivity; Ada Lovelace in computing and mathematics;
Neils Bohr, Ernst Rutherford, Eienstein, Planck, Pauling in nuclear physics;
Watson, Crick, Franklin and Wilkins for the DNA structure.
Mendeleev gave us the modern periodic table.

That's a very random list of scientists that come quickly to my mind. I know I have left out hundreds but ...

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