The bishop of Rome is the pope. Currently pope Francis is the bishop of rome
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He is the bishop of the diocese of Rome.
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A bishop of Rome is another term for the Pope - the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
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Was Patrick the bishop of Rome? No. That would have made him the pope and he was never a pope.
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The Bishop of Rome became known as the pope or Holy Father.
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The pope is the bishop of the Diocese of Rome which includes the city of Rome, Vatican City and a number of smaller towns around the area of Rome.
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The Diocese of the Bishop of Rome's other name is the Holy See.
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The Bishop of Rome is the Pope. Catholics, both Latin and Eastern, believe that the Bishop of Rome is the spiritual leader of the Church (the Head of the Church is Christ) and is thus responsible for preserving unity.
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The Bishop of Rome is the Pope. Currently it is His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Catholics, both Latin and Eastern, believe that the Bishop of Rome is the spiritual leader of the Church and is thus responsible for preserving unity.
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The pope is the bishop of Rome and pope, the earthly head of the Catholic Church.
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Pope Benedict was bishop of Velletri-Segni before he became pope and Bishop of Rome.
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The bishops were the guardians
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It is uncertain if Valentine was ever a bishop. However, he was a priest in Rome.
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pope (bishop of rome)
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The Catholic Church is divided into smaller diocese run by a bishop. The Pope is the bishop of Rome and currently is Pope Benedict th 16th
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The Catholic Church is divided into smaller diocese run by a bishop. The Pope is the bishop of Rome and currently is Pope Benedict th 16th
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Pope Francis is the 266th pope or bishop of Rome.
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I think pope Leo I
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Catholic tradition says that Saint Peter went to Rome, perhaps in the 60s of the first century, and became the first bishop of Rome. However, John W. O'Malley, S.J. says in A History of the Popes that no one piece of evidence states in straightforward and unambiguous language either that Peter went to Rome or that he died there.
Francis A. Sullivan says, in From Apostles to Bishops, that there is a general agreement among scholars, including Catholic scholars, that the church of Rome was led by a council of presbyters until well into the second century, with no evidence of a ruling bishop before this. The first bishop of Rome was probably either Pius I or Anicetus , in the middle of the second century.
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The 'pointy hat' is a bishop's mitre. It indicates that the pope is a bishop, the head of the Diocese of Rome.
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The Basilica of Saint John Lateran, the church of the Bishop of Rome, is located in Rome.
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The home town of Valentine was probably Rome not to mention he was assigned as a priest, possibly a bishop. to work there.
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Remember that a Pope is an ordained priest. Go to a search site and search
Bishop of Rome. He who is elected as Bishop of Rome is the New Pope.
The term is consecrated.
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Each bishop has a cathedral, his "chair" - cathedra is Latin for chair. That is why the word See is used - from the Latin for sitting.
The Pope, as bishop of Rome, has a cathedral. It is St John Lateran Cathedral in Rome.
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the pope is one man, the head of the catholic church. His official title is the Bishop of Rome and he resides in the Vatican, a city-state surrounded by rome
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Valentine of Rome was a Catholic priest, possibly a bishop.
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another name for a pope is the bishop of rome:]
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The pope is also known as the Bishop of Rome.
Holy Father
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The first difference is probably that Roman Catholics are lead by and believe in the Divine authority of the Pope while Protestants do not accept the authority or infallibility of the Bishop of Rome.
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