BCD refers to Binary Code Decimal there are no diagrams it is just a numbers system GRAY code is a means to make one reliable state to change at a time eliminating false coding because of transitions in counters and such
4 answers
lxi h,1000
mvi d,00
xra a
mov c,m
loop2: adi 01
jnc loop1
inr d
loop1: dcr c
jnz loop2
sta 1010
mov a,d
sta 1011
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The name BCD doesn't stand for anything according to Bernd Rittinger, BCD Travel Director of Operations.
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There are many websites where someone can find information on BCD Travel. Some examples of such websites are BCD Travel Direct, BCD Travel In Motion, and Indeed.
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The main difference between 110 BCD and 130 BCD chainrings is the bolt circle diameter (BCD), which affects compatibility with cranksets. 110 BCD chainrings are typically used with compact cranksets, while 130 BCD chainrings are used with standard cranksets. The choice between the two can impact gear ratios and overall performance on the bike.
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Well, darling, BCD in BCD Travel stands for "Bismarck Car Dealership." Just kidding! It actually stands for "Bureau of Consular Affairs." So next time you're booking a trip with BCD Travel, just remember it's not about cars or German history, it's all about consular affairs.
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Explain how an integer can be represented using BCD?
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In BCD it is 00100111
In Binary, which is what you mean, it is 101111
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BCD can be converted into 7segment display by using an encoder.
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**the D's in the last line are low
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BCD is a decimal number. BCD is one specific way to store decimal numbers in computer memory.
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The main difference between 110 BCD and 130 BCD in bicycle chainring sizes is the bolt circle diameter (BCD). 110 BCD means the chainring has a bolt circle diameter of 110 millimeters, while 130 BCD means the chainring has a bolt circle diameter of 130 millimeters. This difference affects the number and placement of bolts used to attach the chainring to the crankset, as well as the overall size and tooth count of the chainring.
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The count sequence of a BCD down counter is as follows:
1001,1000,0111,0110,0101,0100,0011,0010,0001,0000,1001. . . . . . .
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The count sequence of a BCD down counter is as follows:
1001,1000,0111,0110,0101,0100,0011,0010,0001,0000,1001. . . . . . .
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detects the invalid portion of the bcd number codes (1010-1111)
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A 4 BCD code is a 4 decimal-digit BCD code, thus a 16 digit binary-code.
You take the decimal number 3545. It's BCD code is 0011 0101 0100 0101 where every 4 bits represent a decimal digit.
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BCD code isn't valid for these integers , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14
i.e if these integers ae converted to binary code they 'd be called wrong BCD
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The decimal number 10, represented in BCD is 0001 0000.
If, instead, you mean that you have 10 in BCD and want to know what that means, that is equivalent to 0000 0010 and would be 2 in decimal.
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advantages of bcd codes:-
- it combine all basic numbers
- it is easilly understand by human beings
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Write a program to convert a 2-digit BCD number into hexadecimal
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A: A BCD code must be decoded to provide a seven digit output to the 7 bars display that is the only way to see the binary number visually.
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i dont know
- Constructing a BCD-to-excess-3-code converter with a 4-bitt adder we know that the excess-3 code digit is obtained by adding three to the corresponding BCD digit. To change the circuit to an excess-3-to-BCD-code converter we feed BCD-code to the 4-bit adder as the first operand. Then feed constant 3 as the second operand. The output is the corresponding excess-3 code. To make it a BCD to excess-3 converter, we feed the 2's complement of 3 as the second operand. - Constructing a BCD-to-excess-3-code converter with a 4-bitt adder we know that the excess-3 code digit is obtained by adding three to the corresponding BCD digit. To change the circuit to an excess-3-to-BCD-code converter we feed BCD-code to the 4-bit adder as the first operand. Then feed constant 3 as the second operand. The output is the corresponding excess-3 code. To make it a BCD to excess-3 converter, we feed the 2's complement of 3 as the second operand.
3 answers
BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) output can be generated using decimal-to-BCD conversion algorithms. One common method involves dividing the decimal number by 10 and storing the remainder as the Binary Coded Decimal digit. This process is repeated until all decimal digits are converted into BCD form. Alternatively, some microcontrollers have built-in instructions to directly convert decimal numbers to BCD format.
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the 0x47 in ascii means 'G'. the 0x47 in BCD means ascii 0x34 and 0x37 that is '3' and '4'. Regards
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I want answer bcd
This in (a) 12 b() 13 (c)14 (d)15
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what is weighted codes: The decimal value of a code is obtained summing up the positional values. weghted binary code s are those which obey positional weighting principle. each position of number represents a specific weight. There are millions of weighted code The most common one is 8421 Non weighted codes: This codes are not positionaly weghted. each position with in the binary no is not assgned to afixed value.Examples of nonweghted code is ASCCI, GREY CODE, EBCDIC CODE etc
4 answers
Multiply by 16.
ANSWER: The answer is bcd 11 = 3 111 = 7 1111 i= F
01111 =E and so foirth
1 answer
because 9 is a lucky number for bcd..............ha ha ha
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please tell me why are these letter place in this order and above and below the line
a ef hi
bcd g j
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BCD is used for binary output on devices that only display decimal numbers.
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