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There are many reasons why a message board would choose to use BBCode. The biggest reason why a message board would choose BBCode would be that it is very easy to use.

1 answer

In most cases, you can either:

  • copy and paste an image into the program you are using
  • click on an image button, if there is one
  • if there are any, look in the Menus at the top of the window.

Inserting an image with code:

  • HTML:
  • CSS: background-image: url('path/to/image.jpg');
  • BBCode: [img]path/to/image.jpg[/img]
  • Answers.com: just put the path/to/image.jpg on a line by itself.

2 answers

By code what kind of code do you mean? If HTML, then <hr/>, if normal wikitext/BBCode, ----.

1 answer

Still have questions?
magnify glass

ZetaBoards / InvisionFree: http://if.invisionfree.com/keys/?c=1

phpBB: http://www.phpbb.com/community/faq.php?mode=bbcode#f1r0

SMF: http://docs.simplemachines.org/index.php?board=22.0

vBulletin: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/misc.php?do=bbcode

1 answer

Embedded? You can't. All html/BBCode/pictures/videos are automatically filtered out of your profile or stories.

1 answer

BBCode is an abbreviation for Bulletin Board Code, the lightweight language used to format posts in many message boards.

1 answer

This is possible on some forums but not others through the use of BBCode. BBCode is basically the textformatting code used on forums. For example, [b]Your Text[/b] would result in Your Text. For flash movies, the most common code is [flash]Flash Movie Link[/flash]. However, as stated above, not all forums have this feature added/enabled.

1 answer

Using BBCode.

For instance, [color=red]Red Text[/color], or [color=blue]Blue Text[/color].

1 answer

That depends, it may be HTML script "translated" into normal text, as BBCode where you can make bold text, and it can be HTML which is translated into for example PHP with echo tags.

1 answer

That depends, it may be HTML script "translated" into normal text, as BBCode where you can make bold text, and it can be HTML which is translated into for example PHP with echo tags.

1 answer

Sadly, you cannot use HTML codes. The coding system Gaia let's the users use is a coding system called BBCode. It's pretty much the same thing only [ ] are used in place of < >.

To get a picture on Gaia, you much get an account on Photobucket.com and upload your photo there. When you are done editing it, go to your profile. Move your mouse over the picture and a drop down menu should appear. The last code is BBCode. Copy and past that onto Gaia.

1 answer

You'll need something like Deviant Art.

Submit images to an art site like that, that'll give you an Image address - right click and paste onto your site.


This is a fake example of what you would put using BBCode. You could also convert to HTML by using a BBCode/HTML converter simply by copying and pasting. Other codes use different formats.

1 answer

To add an image to your profile, just copy and paste the Direct Link onto it. The system will then change it into HTML code, for it to display properly. There is no need to use HTML or BBCode.

1 answer

In most cases, you can either:

  • copy and paste an image into the program you are using
  • click on an image button, if there is one
  • if there are any, look in the Menus at the top of the window.

Inserting an image with code:

  • HTML:
  • CSS: background-image: url('path/to/image.jpg');
  • BBCode: [img]path/to/image.jpg[/img]
  • Answers.com: just put the path/to/image.jpg on a line by itself.

1 answer

Go to My Gaia > Account > Change Username. You can change your username twice for free, after that you need to pay 10,000 gold.

4 answers

When you're on gaia go to your profile and at the top it should say edit profile layout. Click on it; a box should pop up saying theme, pictures, text, ect. Click on theme, there's already themes to pick from but if you want a different one go to photobucket and type in whatever or if you already have a bbcode or whatever typr it in where it says URL.

1 answer

You don't use Hyperlink, you use BBCode! For example, if you want to insert a link, just do this:

[url=http://www.midnightstardustanime.wordpress.com]This is Midnight Stardust's Blog![/url]

If you want to insert an IMAGE with a link, do this:

[url=(the link of your website where your image is)][img](the link of your image)[/img][/url]

If you just want an image, do this:

[img](your link of your image)[/img]


1 answer

Most forums use something that is called BBcode, which is an alias of HTML.

On most forums the code would be [img]http://deffe.com/cow.jpg[/img]

some forums use HTML link to upload the image , on those forums paste the HTML link generated from a image hosting website. make sure that there are no space's present in between the tags or links

1 answer

Hi. I know what your talking about. On the profile. That is a programming language called BBCode this is how you do it. If you want to type " I LOVE PUPPIES " and cross it out type this [s]I LOVE PUPPIES[/s] The s's stand for "strikeout"

This can be done with other things such as [color=white] Then this text it white [/color]

You can experiemnt with all kinds of things.. or you can just Google it!

But every command ends with a [/command here]

Be sure you take the text you want to be striken out and put this around it.

[s]This is sample text[/s]


1 answer

dragon cave eggs;

First you get a BBCode or HTML code. BBCode is for forums and such, While the HTML code is for websites. You paste the code in the correct place and it must have a certain number of clicks before it grows into a baby/adolescent and then with more clicks it will be a adult. When its a adult it no longer needs clicks, you can name it and breed it. For evey egg it takes a different amount of clicks.


They make it sound complicated. You don't have to post your eggs everywhere. Just visit hatcherys daily like these two below:



4 answers

If you are using a forum site and they have a bio which allows BBcodes to be posted onto your profile page...and you want to pimp it with cool colors or pics? but don't know how?..i'll show you. (this is not HTML codes)

(Again this is only for websites with BIO's or profile pages that allow BBcodes)

Facebook approves these codes

1) If you want your text to be larger just type in

[size=20](enter text)[/size] (sizes can be adjusted by numbers)

2) If you want to change the font just type in...

[Font=Impact](enter text here)[/font] (of course you can change the font lol. )

3) If you want large colorful words just type in

[Color=Red][size=30]enter Text here[/size][/color]

(color and size can be change to your priorities.)

4) If you want glitter pictures on your Bio or edit profile page just look for websites which have a BBcode to the animated GIF picture or glitter texts.

5) If you want to add a URL link name without the website name showing you type in

[URL=(select URL code)] Name it here[/URL] instead of the website name showing it will show what you named it

EXAMPLE: >Click here< this will be clickable and redirect you to the link you posted with your URL code.

Bold text [b]ENTER TEXT HERE[/b]

Strike through text [S]ENTER TEXT HERE[/S]

Underlined text [U]ENTER TEXT HERE[/U]

Rainbow text (HELLO) [color=#ff0000]H[/color][color=#cc8f33]e[/color][color=#99ed66]l[/color][color=#66f899]l[/color][color=#33accc]o[/color]

I am posting this because some people still don't understand how to do this stuff...because the instructions on the internet are confusing or they have never dealt with this stuff

Read more: How_do_you_use_BBcodes_on_your_profile_page_or_bio_page

2 answers

yes, but it takes a while. go to your scroll, click on the egg/hatchling and click "show HTML/bbcode links" then don't go back just click scroll again. repeat. lol you can also get a red dragon and get it to incubate it. it helps it hatch faster but that's about it. also there is a loot easier way to get plenty of clicks to get it to hatch. just go to dailydragonfix.com and register. its completely free and you don't have to enter your email. after registering and signing in, add your dragons URL the way it tells you to and voila! ppl will click urs. btw you have to click at least 20 different eggs a day on that site though. that's how it works ;)

1 answer

Flickr allows each photographer to determine what ways they will allow their photos to be used through Creative Commons licenses and Flickr settings. Some photos can be used on blog without explicitly asking the photographer because they already have given you (and anyone else) permission to use their photos through their settings. There are different settings within Flickr that allow you different levels of freedom to use photos.

On the right side of a photo page, there is a "License" section which will tell you the details of how you are allowed to use the photo. It will either say "Some Rights Reserved" or "All Rights Reserved" and clicking on those words will give you the specific details of the license.

As per their community guidelines, if you useany picture from flickr, you must add a link back to the photo's page on flickr.com. It also asks that you don't claim someone else's picture as your own.

Most Freedom - Some Rights Reserved with adaptation allowedSome photos on Flickr allow for you to modify or adapt them. If you want to crop a photo, edit it in Photoshop, use it in a collage, etc. then you will need to find a photo that allows for modification. You can find these photos using Flickr's Advanced Search and checking the boxes for "Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content" and "Find content to modify, adapt, or build upon" at the bottom of the page. Moderate Freedom - Some Rights ReservedIf a photo has a "Some Rights Reserved" license, you have the right to share, copy, distribute and transmit the work, provided that you credit the photographer. Unlike some of the other options, this gives you the right to host the image file on your own website. You can find these photos using in Advanced Search by checking the box for "Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content." Free to Embed - HTML/BBCode EnabledSome photos which are "All Rights Reserved" still allow you to embed the image from Flickr onto your blog. Click on "Share This" above the photo, and click on "Grab the HTML/BBCode" - if you don't see this option listed, it means that the photographer has not allowed it and you will have to use one of the other options discussed below. If it is listed, all you need to do is select the size you want and copy the HTML code into your blog editor (BBCode is generally used for forums). Useable on most blogs - 'Blog It' EnabledIf HTML/BBCode is not enabled, then you have one last method by which you might be able to use Flickr photos on your blog. If your blog is hosted on Blogger, LiveJournal, Manila, Movable Type, Typepad, Vox, or WordPress; is a self-hosted Wordpress blog; is Atom Enabled; or is Meta Weblog API Enabled; then you can tell Flickr the details of your blog and configure how you want to photos you blog to look. Once you have done this, if you are able to click "Share This" on the photo page, then you should see "Blog It" as the last option in the list, and you can select the blog that you want to post the photo on. This disadvantages of this method are that you can only use one photo per blog post and the maximum size you can use is 500px. Cannot Use - Share This not EnabledIf the "Share This" button on top of the photo is not clickable, then you are not able to use the photo at all for free. If the photographer is a member of the Flickr Getty Images program, below the license you will see "Request to license Photographer Name's photos via Getty Images." You can click "Request to license" and send a request, but you will have to pay in order to use the photo.

1 answer

You can either post a link to the screenshot, by uploading it to a file hosting website first.

You can also use bbcode, which most forums have enabled by using the following code:


Whilst, using them tags you must enter the link to the screenshot in between them, make sure the link isn't broken, otherwise this won't work.

3 answers

If you are using a forum site and they have a bio which allows BBcodes to be posted onto your profile page...and you want to pimp it with cool colors or pics? but don't know how?..i'll show you. (this is not HTML codes)

(Again this is only for websites with BIO's or profile pages that allow BBcodes)

Myspace approves these codes.

1) If you want your text to be larger just type in

[size=20](enter text)[/size] (sizes can be adjusted by numbers)

2) If you want to change the font just type in...

[Font=Impact](enter text here)[/font] (of course you can change the font lol. )

3) If you want large colorful words just type in

[Color=Red][size=30]enter Text here[/size][/color]

(color and size can be change to your priorities.)

4) If you want glitter pictures on your Bio or edit profile page just look for websites which have a BBcode to the animated GIF picture or glitter texts.

5) If you want to add a URL link name without the website name showing you type in

[URL=(select URL code)] Name it here[/URL] instead of the website name showing it will show what you named it

EXAMPLE: >Click here< this will be clickable and redirect you to the link you posted with your URL code.

Bold text [b]ENTER TEXT HERE[/b]

Strike through text [S]ENTER TEXT HERE[/S]

Underlined text [U]ENTER TEXT HERE[/U]

Rainbow text (HELLO) [color=#ff0000]H[/color][color=#cc8f33]e[/color][color=#99ed66]l[/color][color=#66f899]l[/color][color=#33accc]o[/color]

I am posting this because some people still don't understand how to do this stuff...because the instructions on the internet are confusing or they have never dealt with this stuff

1 answer

I love to watch movies on the net.

In the past, I have had some crappy downloads

I accidentally came across this website that

gives DVD quality downloads.

Theres no viruses plus I highly recommend it.

Not to mention it's LEGAL

http://www.yappadoodle.com/pages/MOVIES.htmFAQ Search Memberlist Usergroups Profile You have no new messages Log out [ yappadoo ] Message PreviewPosted: 14 May 2008 02:20 pm Post subject: movies Iron Man, Alvin And The Chipmunks,Blue Lagoon, Speed Racer, Mary Poppins, Indiana Jones, Forrest Gump, Transformers, The Dark Knight, Star Wars, Sex And The City, Transformers 2, I, Robot, Spider-Man, Transformers Cast, Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Bollywood, The X-Files, The Forbidden Kingdom, Pirates of the Caribbean, Epic Movie

I love to watch movies on the net.

In the past, I have had some crappy downloads

I accidentally came across this website that

gives DVD quality downloads.

Theres no viruses plus I highly recommend it.

Not to mention it's LEGAL


yappadoodle.com Forum Index » My Pocket

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Emoticons View more Emoticons Font colour: DefaultDark RedRedOrangeBrownYellowGreenOliveCyanBlueDark BlueIndigoVioletWhiteBlack Font size:TinySmallNormalLargeHuge Close Tags IronMan, Alvin And The Chipmunks,Blue Lagoon, Speed Racer, Mary Poppins,Indiana Jones, Forrest Gump, Transformers, The Dark Knight, Star Wars,Sex And The City, Transformers 2, I, Robot, Spider-Man, TransformersCast, Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Bollywood, The X-Files, TheForbidden Kingdom, Pirates of the Caribbean, Epic MovieI love to watch movies on the net.In the past, I have had some crappy downloadsI accidentally came across this website thatgives DVD quality downloads.Theres no viruses plus I highly recommend it.Not to mention it's LEGALhttp://www.yappadoodle.com/pages/MOVIES.htm

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