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Visti the BATF web site for information.

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If they have been registered with the BATF, yes.

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They use a lot of guns given them by the US BATF.

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According the BATF, about 4.5 million each year.

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Yes. Must be registered with the Federal BATF, but state legal.

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I just bought one today (20 gauge) at a pawn shop for $60 out the door including the BATF. I just bought one today (20 gauge) at a pawn shop for $60 out the door including the BATF.

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Anything made prior to 1898 is concidered an antique for BATF.

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If they are un-licensed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) they are ILLEGAL.

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Generally not. That information is not public record. Law Enforcement can access the sales/purchase records through the BATF

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The same kinds and types which are outlawed by the Federal Firearms Act (FFA) which is enforced by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF).

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No we cannot. Gun registrations are controlled by the BATF and only Law Enforcement Agencies can access this information

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It is not Arkansas that has any say in the matter. The manufacture of alcohol is under the control of the FEDERAL authorities. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and FIrearms (BATF).

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Nowhere in the US unless you are dealing with someone in the back alleys. Any smoothbore using fixed ammunition with a barrel less than 18 inches or an overall length of 26 inches is illegal to possess unless it was originally manufactured in that configuration AND registered with the BATF in 1934 or 1968. It is also illegal to manufacture such a weapon without a permit from the BATF.

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If you contact your local police department, they can tell you. There is a national database from the BATF, but it's only available to law enforcement.

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It is whatever the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) says it is since they do the legal defining of firearms. Since Cobray did the modification for sale, I suggest that you ask them, since they surely vetted the firearm through the BATF before selling it.

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It depends on the local & state laws where you live. I dont believe the BATF covers them because no federal paperwork is required to purchase one.

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Yes, you need a license from the BATF to legally use high explosives.

Please go to the link below to read further on what is required to acquire an explosives license.

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Yes, you can. The part that has a serial number on it is, in the eyes of the BATF, a whole gun that you have to buy through a dealer. The rest of it, you can get at gun shops, out of catalogs or over the internet.

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I don't think you have to have a license to work on guns, but I'm not sure about that. To manufacture guns, you have to have a manufacturers license. Check with the BATF for more information.

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Question is to vague and indefinite to address. Insert BATF (Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) into any search engine and you will get plenty of informationi to follow-up on.

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Unless in the exact shape, including boxes, papers, etc.. about 400 USD or so

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BATF has no guideline. The U.S. Arsenals at Rock Island and Springfield did. Go to odcmp.com, click on sales ,click on 1903 , read and enjoy.

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No the current laws protect the trademark of Sonoma Valley and the BATF protects the AVA Sonoma Valley

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Only in a few locations.

It is legal to own a semi-auto AK-47 in most states at the age of 18.

The full auto requires a class III licence from the BATF to own.

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Yes. In some countries (such as the US), you must obtain a permit from the BATF and the ethanol produced must be mixed with a substance that renders it unfit for human consumption. The ethanol must be used for producing energy, not to drink.

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I know of only three. The FBI - The DEA - The BATF. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) have a massive lab complex but they do not usually become involved in the investigation of criminal offenses.

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The distillation of alchoholic beverages falls under the purview of FEDERAL law enforcement, not the individual states. You may distill alcoholic beverages only under a federal license issued by the BATF.

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In most cases no, but there are places that do require it. If you are in NJ Mass Cal Mich or NY city check with your local gun shop first, and always a good idea anyway. BATF will not accept not knowing as an excuse.

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ATF (or "BATF" or "BATFE") is not going to approve you to have a firearm unless your conviction was in a state court system (not the federal courts) AND that state has fully pardoned you and specifically restored all your gun rights (meaning you'd even be eligible to get a gun carry permit). Until the state pardons you or otherwise erases the conviction, BATF has no power to restore your gun rights. For a federal felony conviction, I think only a full pardon by the President will work. Good luck with that.

Another View: A portion of the above answer is incorrect.The BATF has absolutely NO authority to grant you a permit for a firearm... period! Although a few states have legislation that allows convicted felons the limited right to possess a firearm, it is valid only WITHIN that particular state, and nowhere else. There is no exemption from the federal law except that which the individual states may grant you within their border.

No mechanism exists for convicted felons to regain their federal firearms rights. The mechanism does exist, but Congress consistently declines to fund the process and therefore it is inoperable.

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Silencers are regulated by the Federal Government and require BATF approval. Oregon does not ban the possession of silencers, IF, the person in possession has the required federal approval.

Keep in mind, that in order to own one of these devices, you need permission from you local chief law enforcement agent.

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Yes,its pretty much just like getting a pistol in missouri cpt it has a extra 200 dollar tax.bribe what ever.......just contact ya local batf for the forms you need or go to a class 3 weapons dealer

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You don't need a license to fire one, but you need to hold a Class III license from the BATF to possess one. Even if you get the permit from the federal government, state and local regulations in many jurisdictions still forbid possession.

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Nothing in my references shows this category, but if you mean antique or pre-64, 147,684 is the last number that is antique according to BATF regulations and number 2,586,000 was the last of the classic Winchesters made with hand-finished cast parts.

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Maybe. Problem will be if spouse has been adudged mentally incompetent, they may not have possession of a firearm. That includes access to firearms. You can discuss the particulars of your circumstances with the BATF firearms technical division for a more specific answer.

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The TRUE M4 carbine is a select fire weapon, and is not available for sale to private persons. The M-16 is also select fire, but some were registered with the BATF prior to the May 1986 cutoff date, and CAN be transferred. The M4 was made AFTER the cutoff date for a private citizen to register one.

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Yes it is legal...here's why. The BATF cateregorizes this as a non firearm. It is considered such because it is made to fire blanks only and can not be modified to fire live ammunition. While most paintball guns are more physically dangerous because they fire a projectile they too fall into the same category.

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It depends on where you live. If you are in law enforcement, you can easily be allowed to use one. Otherwise, you usually have to pay taxes to get a permit. In some places, you may not be allowed at all. You should check with local law enforcement.

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There's no definitive answer. In the United States alone, there are an estimated 200 million+ firearms and the BATF website indicates there are about 4.5 million sold each year. Each state in the U.S. keeps records differently and there is no national registration, so there's no real way to know. (copied and pasted from another article I answered)

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If the weapon in question has a barell length of less than 18 inches (that is the length of the barel only, not to include the receiver), then it falls into title 2 weapons category and requiers BATF registration and aproval.

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(in the US) You may personally own any weapons declared lawful and legal by the BATF. Although your military assignment may require you to be armed with, and use, all types of 'exotic' weapons, your status as 'active duty military' gives you no special privilege to personally own unlawful weapons of any type.

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If its not NFA registered (Federal registration with the BATF, which cannot be obtained retroactively) its worth a maximum of ten years in Federal prison

While the above statement is true is doesn't answer the question. Depending on condition from $1500 to $2500 based on past sells on Guns America.com.

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According to 18 USC, Parts 921 & 922 - only genuine antiques manufactured prior to 1898 or EXACT replicas thereof.

CAUTIONARY NOTE: This is the Criminal Code section of the federal statutes which pertain to criminal violations under which felon violators will charged and tried.

Do not confuse it with the BATF definition of 'antique' firearms which are contained elswewhere in the federal statutes.

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It probably is. However, the remedy is two-fold: First,most state laws allow for the expunging of your felony, depending on what it is. I live in Washington State, and the rule there is 5 years for a class C felony, and 10 years for a class B felony. You can ask the courthouse in the county where you were convicted, what the rule is for that county/state. It is very inexpensive, and only requires a brief court appearance, just like a traffic ticket appearance. Then, the application for a firearm permit from the BATF, which I believe that you can download on line. I was convicted of a class B felony in 1987. After all fines were paid and all my time was done, I was given a certificate that stated "all civil rights have been restored" I think this, or the equivilent, given to the BATF should suffice.

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The firearm designated as a curio and relic by the BATF may be sent across state lines to and from individuals who hold a collectors license. If your state requires registration of handguns, they would not be exempt unless there is a specific reference to this in the state licensing legislation. Some may even require registration of antique firearms that are exempt from all federal regulation.

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Value will vary GREATLY based on exact configuration and condition. Expect values to start around $700- HOWEVER- if the barrels are less than 18 inches, this gun MUST have been registered with the BATF as an "Any Other Weapon". If it has not been registered it cannot be, and is contraband (worth nothing) and must be surrendered for destruction.

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Contact the US Postal Inspection Service office by dialing 1-877-876-2455 ext. 4 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in all time zones.

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No. The function of it is what makes it an assault rifle. An assault rifle fires an intermediate cartridge and has a select fire option (either auto or burst). In the political sense, the determination of what made a so-called "civilian assault weapon" was determined by the BATF (now BATFE) based on the presence of two or more cosmetic features (such as bayonet lugs, pistol grips, and flash suppressors).

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Check Federal Law, don't ask on here.

Added: Read the federal criminal code from the following statute: 18 USC, Para: 921, paying particular attention to the dates of manufacture.

Do NOT subscribe to the commonly made error of following the BATF definition of blackpowder arms, it does not apply to felons in possession.

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