Expedition of 'Abdullah ibn 'Atik happened in -624.
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In Islam, the phrase "I love you" is "أنا أحبك" which is pronounced as "Ana uhibbuka."
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Atik Triratnawati has written:
'Kekerasan terhadap istri di kalangan wanita Jawa'
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Atik Ismail is a former footballer from Finland. He was the top scorer in the Finnish Premier division for three different years. In 1978 he was nominated as the Finnish footballer of the year.
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The main ones are:
Mirfak, also known as Algenib.
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Jeff Atik has: Played Mr. Boxter in "The Affidavit" in 2003. Played Businessman in "Instead of Me" in 2004. Played Officer Odets in "The Bedstand" in 2006. Played Dead Man In Chair in "Growth" in 2010. Played Jay in "Nancy and the Dapper Toad" in 2010.
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Some of the stars in the constellation Perseus include Algol, Mirfak, and Atik.
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Saina is the is currently coached by Indonesian badminton legend Atik Jauhari since August 2008.
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The USS Atik was a decoy ship whose mission was to lure some unsuspecting U-boat into making a torpedo attack. The attacking submarine would later deem the tramp unworthy of the expenditure of more torpedoes and would then surface to sink the crippled foe with gunfire.
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The cast of Instead of Me - 2004 includes: Jeff Atik as Businessman Heike Brunner as Zoe Dave Romano as Keith
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5. The USS Atik, the USS Asterion, the USS Big Horn, The USS Captor, and the USS Irene Forstyle.
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Some of the stars in the constellation Perseus include Algol, Mirfak, and Atik. Algol is a variable star known as the "Demon Star," Mirfak is a bright star that is part of the Perseus constellation, and Atik is a white giant star located in the Perseus constellation.
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Atik Ismail has: Played himself in "Levyraati" in 1961. Played himself in "Ajankohtainen kakkonen" in 1969. Played Koulupoika in "Pilvilinna" in 1970. Played himself in "Lauantaileikit" in 1978. Played himself in "Suuri luokkakokous" in 2000. Played himself in "Kuutamolla" in 2001. Played himself in "Leikin varjolla" in 2002. Played himself in "Virtasta Koskella" in 2004. Played himself in "10 kirjaa lapsuudesta" in 2008.
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"or older" (talking about a living being) = o yotehr yashen (או יותר ישן)"or older" (talking about an object or city) = o yotehr atik (או יותר עתיק)
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The six stars that make up the constellation Perseus are Algenib, Algol, Mirfak, Atik, Gorgonea Tertia, and Misam.
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In a microscope, the stage controls the movement of the objectives. The stage can be adjusted vertically to bring the specimen into focus and horizontally to move the specimen under the objectives for viewing.
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The cast of Biarlah aku pergi - 1971 includes: Atik Zainal Abdi Rahayu Effendi Lenny Marlina Rima Melati Aedy Moward Hanny Ray Mansjur Sjah
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Atik Soepandi has written:
'Dasar-dasar pangaweruh wayang golek purwa Jawa Barat' -- subject(s): Wayang, Puppet theater
'Rebana burdah dan biang' -- subject(s): Betawi (Indonesian people), History and criticism, Music, Rebana
'Wayang golek purwa Dinasti Sunarya dari Giri Hardja'
'Pendokumentasian eksistensi kempul dan goong di dalam tata kehidupan gamelan tradisi Sunda'
'Kehidupan sekar caturan dalam wayang di Bandung'
'Khasanah kesenian daerah Jawa-Barat' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Music
'Ragam cipta' -- subject(s): Performing arts
'Pagelaran wayang golek purwa gaya Priangan'
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Ellen Elgin invented the clothes wringer. Ellen Elgin was one of the first female African American inventors known in the 1800's.
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The Perseus constellation is made up of several stars, but it is difficult to give an exact number as it can vary depending on the size and boundaries considered for the constellation. Some of the notable stars in Perseus include Algol, Mirfak, and Atik.
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The cast of Si Doel anak betawi - 1972 includes: Sjuman Djaya Tino Karno Rano Karno as Si Doel Tutie Kirana Atik Pasono Frank Rorimpandey Dewi Rosaria Indah Nani Widjaja Fifi Young
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The cast of Joshua Oh Joshua - 2001 includes: Eman as Opik Anjasmara as Pak Jeffry Cut Keke as Ibu Nani Desy Ratnasari as Bu Jeffry Eeng Saptahadi as Pak Gito Joshua Suherman as Joshua Mega Utami as Jejen Ingrid Widjanarko as Mpok Atik Dwi Yan as Pak Andi
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Good question. No they don't actually - Polaris (end of handle and North Star) and Kochab (tip of the bowl) are the brightest stars. All the others are significantly dimmer, unlike the Big Dipper, whose seven stars all have similar magnitudes.
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The cast of Virtasta Koskella - 2004 includes: Matti Esko as himself Riitta Havukainen as Hansu Atik Ismail as himself Matti Kuusla as himself Arvi Lind as himself Eero Saarinen as himself Martti Suosalo as himself Klaus Thomasson as himself Eija Vilpas as Pirre Ville Virtanen as himself Jukka Virtanen as himself Laura Voutilainen as herself
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Ingrid Widjanarko has: Played Mpok Atik in "Joshua Oh Joshua" in 2001. Played Si Mbok in "Rumah tanpa jendela" in 2011. Played Ibu Caca in "The Tarix Jabrix 3" in 2011. Performed in "Si Anak Kampoeng" in 2011. Played Mrs. Susilo in "Operation Wedding" in 2013. Played Mbak Tarsih in "Kisah 3 titik" in 2013.
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Gamiton sa pag daru,,, gamit gyud kaayo para sa farming maoy kagabay sa pag uma kung wala ka'y balabaw dili malampuson ang pag uma sa bukid na kung dilli ka latest na technolohiya.. sa pag uma..
joke joke ra ni oy
pero atik ra tinuud hehehehhehe
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The cast of Oltre la porta - 1982 includes: Urs Althaus as Tunesian Tom Berenger as Matthew Jackson Enrico Bergier Paolo Bonetti Eleonora Giorgi as Nina Leandro Marcoccio as Ira Marcello Mastroianni as Enrico Sommi Atik Mohamed as Stranded Motorist Abdelkader Moutaa Michel Piccoli as Mr. Mutti Mahjoub Raji Gary Shebex Maria Sofia Amendolea as Secretary Hammadi Tounsi
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Job 40:15–24 describes Behemoth and the sea-monster Leviathan, to demonstrate to Job the futility of questioning God, who alone has created these beings and who alone can capture them. They are chaos monsters destroyed by the deity at the time of creation.
If Behemoth and Leviathan are not synonyms for the same chaos monster, then Behemoth is probably the Jewish reworking of the Canaanite chaos monster Atik.
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The cast of 10 kirjaa lapsuudesta - 2008 includes: Claes Andersson as himself Paleface as himself Atik Ismail as himself Kaarina Kaikkonen as herself Anna Laine as Herself - Host Juha Lehtola as himself Kaisu Mikkola as herself Tuomas Nevanlinna as himself Siiri Nordin as herself Sofi Oksanen as herself Laura Ruohonen as herself Erkki Tuomioja as himself Birgitta Ulfsson as herself Esko Valtaoja as himself Samuel Vauramo as himself
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The cast of Le vent de la Toussaint - 1991 includes: Adil Abdelwahab as Un membre du FLN Michel Albertini as Hamrane Tadjer Lydia Andrei as Malika Tadjer Mohamed Attifi as Khaouane Patrick Bouchitey as Pierre Peyrot Etienne Chicot as Le docteur Marc Helluin Eva Darlan as Jacqueline Peyrot Doghmi Larbi as Mousqueton Mohammed Miftah as Azouz Atik Mohamed as Akli
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There are a number of references available for one to find information on dating for beginners. The Huffington Post has a great article titled 'The Beginners Guide to Dating' and the Lapham's Quarterly also has an article titled 'Dating Manual'.
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Allain Dave Tabamo, also known as "Baludoy" from Malaybalay City, Philippines. He is best known as Chui in according to myth, he was the clone of Gerald Anderson pero mas guapo lang nah siya.. There were many girls link to him especially sex scandals with, Kim Chui, Ann Curtis and Angel Locsin.. (pero atik ra!). If you need his phone number and meet him to make out, you can contact him through +639066383777. Phone carriers payments may applied. TEXT NA!Ayaw mo pag text kay scammer na.. Allain Dave has 24/7 boner.
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The cast of Le jour attendra - 2013 includes: Muratt Atik as Aslan Carlo Brandt as Serki Anne Charrier as Sarah Alfredo Escobar as Policier mexicain 2 Jacques Gamblin as Victor Reda Kateb as Wilfried James Kazama as Chef japonais Kaiwi Lyman Olivier Marchal as Milan Laure Marsac as Coralie Sophie Meister as Alex Michael Morgante as Policier Pedro Romero as Policier mexicain 1 Marie Romey as Femme flic attente Igor Skreblin as Etienne Florian Vigilante as Andrea (13 ans) Leni Yurstever as Sacha (8 ans)
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In scene 1 Romeo said that love is very rough and cruel towards him because the woman he loves (Rosaline) doesn't love him back. "O brawling love....O loving hate......O anything of first create......"
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The cast of Suuri luokkakokous - 2000 includes: Outi Alanen as herself Danny as Himself - Musical Guest Anita Hirvonen as herself Atik Ismail as himself Titta Jokinen as herself Ilkka Kanerva as himself Petri Keskitalo as himself Kaija Koo as herself Arja Koriseva as Herself - Host Jussi Lampi as himself Olli Lindholm as Himself - Musical Guest Rea Mauranen as herself Antero Mertaranta as himself Marjatta Raita as herself Seppo Ruohonen as himself Sami Saikkonen as Himself - Dancer Matti Siitonen as Himself - Musical Guest Timo Turpeinen as Himself - Musical Guest Pertti Ukkola as himself Mari Vainio as herself Markku Veijalainen as himself Eija Vilpas as herself
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buhat mo ug assignment ..ayaw mo pagsalig dire, sa POS ni noh, isumbong tamo ni mam Trigo.hahaha SAKPAN, pero atik rah, panghatag pud mo answer hah ~abalorz
bastah mao ni......
Long term scheduler determines which programs are admitted to the system for processing. It controls the degree of multiprogramming. Once admitted, a job becomes a process. Medium term scheduling is part of the swapping function. This relates to processes that are in a blocked or suspended state. They are swapped out of real-memory until they are ready to execute. The swapping-in decision is based on memory-management criteria. Short term scheduler, also know as a dispatcher executes most frequently, and makes the finest-grained decision of which process should execute next. This scheduler is invoked whenever an event occurs. It may lead to interruption of one process by preemption.
~Gi copypaste rpud nako nih.
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The cast of Lauantaileikit - 1978 includes: Eemeli as himself Petra Frey as herself Heikki Helakorpi as himself Heikki Hietamies as himself Kai Hyttinen as himself Atik Ismail as himself Ensio Itkonen as himself Jaakko Jahnukainen as himself Chrisse Johansson as herself Kaarlo Juurela as himself Paula Koivuniemi as herself Seppo Kolehmainen as himself Kari Kuuva as himself Erkki Liikanen as himself Raimo Lintuniemi as himself Pirkko Mannola as herself Reino Markkula as himself Marita Nordberg as herself Vesa Nuotio as himself Kai Pahlman as himself Pertti Palo as himself Pertti Purhonen as himself Tommi Rinne as himself Tapani Ripatti as himself Raimo Roiha as himself Esko Roine as Himself - Host Ismo Sajakorpi as himself Vexi Salmi as himself Simo Salminen as himself Jaakko Salonoja as himself Teija Sopanen as herself Juha Vainio as himself Ritva Valkama as herself Risto Vanari as himself
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Yes, because the plates underneath the Earth's surface is made up and composed of rock that moves apart or moves closer together. Because of this when the plates move closer or farther apart earthquakes from. Sometimes the earthquake creates a mountain.
I think this is the answer but I am not 100% sure.
James 12 years old
Mountain earthquakes are not all bad. Earthquakes have created most of the mountains in southern California, producing our beautiful scenery and trapping rain clouds to keep us from being a desert. The mountains also form underground traps for oil and natural gas, making oil wells achievable and guiding us to where we have to look for oil.
Stephany 11 years old
yes, because sometimes earthquake is the effect of two converging plate. When plates converge Mountains or volcanoes are from.
atik 9 years old
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