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Zeta Sagittarii (Ascella) is the third brightest star system in the constellation Sagittarius.

It has a spectral type of A2 so it is classed as a white -> blue white star.

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Ascella is approximately 165 light years away from Earth. This means that the light we see from Ascella today actually started its journey towards Earth 165 years ago.

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Zeta Sagittarii (Ascella) is the third brightest star system in the constellation Sagittarius

It has a spectral type of A2 so will have a temperature of 7,500 --> 10,000 K.

Observations have put the actual temperature at 8,799 K

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Kaus Merdidionalis - Midget, Blue and White

Kaus Borealis - Giant, Orange and Red

Kaus Australis - Midget, Blue and White

Alnasl - Giant, Yellow

Nunki (Pelagus) - Super-Giant, Blue and White

Rukbat - Midget, Blue and White

Arkab Prior - Midget, Blue and White

Arkab Posterior - Midget, Blue and White

Other stars in the constellation Sagittarius include Ascella, Polis, Albadah, Manubriem, Terebellum and Facies.

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