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Formiga was born on November 14, 1930, in Arax, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

1 answer

The River Arax forms most of the border between the part of Azerbaijan which is independent (Republic of Azerbaijan) and the part which is part of Iran.

1 answer

Tusk the Mighty Mammoth holds Captive: Arax the Soul Stealer.

2 answers

series 2 vedra and krimon

series 3 spiros

series 4 arax

series 5 kragos and kildor

series 6 Creta

series 7 mortaxe

series 8 ravira

series 9 Raksha

1 answer

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narga,kaymon,tusk,sting,sephir,vedra,krimon,spiros,arax, kragosandkilldor,nixa,equinnies,


terra,vespick and creta

1 answer

No idea, really, but J G Boswell (largest farming operation in the world -- and it's privately owned) owns most of the land there, and much of the water rights heading into it. Mark Arax has a book called "The King of California" that tells the story.

These people would probably be able to answer your question more directly and completely:

Tulare Basin Wildlife Partners


Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District

(no web site known)

Also see, for historical context and related legal battles:



1 answer

Beast Quest (series 1)

1. Ferno the Fire Dragon

2. Sepron the Sea Serpent

3. Arcta the Mountain Giant

4. Tagus the Horse-Man

5. Nanook the Snow Monster

6. Epos the Flame Bird

(Special bumper edition one) Vedra and Krimon, Twin Beasts of Avantia

The Golden Armour (series 2)

7. Zepha the Monster Squid

8. Claw the Giant Monkey

9. Soltra the Stone Charmer

10. Vipero the Snake-Man

11. Arachnid the King of Spiders

12. Trillion the Three Headed Lion

(Special bumper edition two) Spiros the Ghost Phoenix

The Dark Realm (series 3)

13. Torgor the Minotaur

14. Skoor the Winged Stallion

15. Narga the Sea Monster

16. Kaymon the Gorgon Hound

17. Tusk the Mighty Mammoth

18. Sting the Scorpian-Man

(Special bumper edition three) Arax the Soul Stealer

The Amulet of Avantia (series 4)

19. Nixa the Death Bringer

20. Equinous the Spirit Horse

21. Rashouk the Cave Troll

22. Luna the Moon Wolf

23. Blaze the Ice Dragon

24. Stealth the Ghost Panther

(Special bumper edition four) Kragos and Kildor the Two Headed Demon

The Shade of Death (series 5)

25. Krabb, Master of The Sea

26. Hawkite, Arrow of the Air

27. Rokk the Walking Mountain

28. Koldo the Arctic Warrior

29. Trema the Earth Lord

30. Amictus the Bug Queen

(Special bumper edition five) Creta the Winged Terror

The World of Chaos (series 6)

31. Komodo the Lizard King

32. Muro the Rat Monster

33. Fang the Bat Fiend

34. Murk the Swamp Man

35. Terra, Curse of the Forest

36. Vespick the Wasp Queen

(Special bumper edition six) Mortaxe the Skeleton Warrior

The Lost World (series 7)

37. Convol the Cold-Blooded Brute

38. Hellion the Fiery Foe

39. Krestor the Crushing Terror

40. Madara the Midnight Warrior

41. Eliik the Lightning Horror

42. Carnivora the Winged Scavenger

(Special bumper edition seven) Ravira, Ruler of the Underworld

The Pirate King (series 8)

43. Balisk the Water Snake

44. Koron, Jaws of Death

45. Hecton the Body Snatcher

46. Torno the Hurricane Dragon

47. Kronus the Clawed Menace

48. Bloodboar the Buried Doom

Further information coming soon...

2 answers

Paul Boukadakis has: Played Kyle Easley in "Rushers" in 2007. Played Russell in "Dangerous Worry Dolls" in 2008. Played Paul in "Dinner with Raphael" in 2009. Played Paul in "A Fuchsia Elephant" in 2009. Played Aaron in "Magpie" in 2012.

9 answers