Aotea, Arawa, and Tainui are waka (canoes) that carried the ancestors of the Māori people to New Zealand. They are significant in Māori mythology and history, representing the different tribal groups that settled in different parts of the country.
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Tainui, Te arawa, Mataatua, Takitimu, Tokomaru, Kurahaupo and Aotea.
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Te Arawa, Takitimu Tokomaru, Tainui, Mataatua, Kurahaupo, and Aotea.
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Johan Bonnevie has written:
'Aotea (Great Barrier Island)' -- subject(s): Historic sites, History
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Ko (name your waka, i.e Aotea) toku waka means "Aotea is my waka". It is a part of a pepeha....In Maori tikanga, when you go through your whakawhanaungatanga (meet n greet), in a nut shell you tell people not only your name, but your parents names, your tribe (iwi), sub tribe (hapu), the canoe that your ancestors arrived on (waka), etc.
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the a quiz is 1 akaroa 2 arrow town 3anderson 4abottsford 5alexandra 6ariel topdressing 7arthurs pass 8 aotea 9alofi 10acticve
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Ko (name your waka, i.e Aotea) toku waka means "Aotea is my waka". It is a part of a pepeha....In Maori tikanga, when you go through your whakawhanaungatanga (meet n greet), in a nut shell you tell people not only your name, but your parents names, your tribe (iwi), sub tribe (hapu), the canoe that your ancestors arrived on (waka), etc.
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Aotea, Arawa, Tainui, Kurahaupo, Takitimu, Horouata, Tokomaru and Mataatua
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Aotea (Great Barrier Island),
Hauturu (Little Barrier Island),
Motukorea (Brown's Island),
Tiritiri Matangi,
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The most well-known of the legendary ocean-going canoes (wakanui) were Aotea, Te Arawa, Kurahaupo, Mataatua, Tainui, Takitimu, and Tokomaru. There were other canoes as well, named in other traditional tales.
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The seven traditional Maori waka (canoes) are: Arawa, Tainui, Tokomaru, Mataatua, Kurahaupo, Takitimu, and Horouta. Each waka represents a different tribe or group within Maori culture and history.
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Aotearoa is the native maori name for new zealand. This means land of the long white cloud, a description of the land if you will
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Aotearoa is the Maori name for New Zealand. It originally meant only what is now known as the North Island, but is becoming more recognized internationally as the bilingual (English/Maori) name of New Zealand. In an 1878 Maori translation of the national anthem God Defend New Zealand, Aotearoa was used in place of New Zealand. This translation remains in use.
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the legend goes that the wife of Kupe (the first polynesian to discover Aotearoa -NZ), first spotted the long line of clouds which indicated the presence of land. So she named this country Aotearoa, meaning the Long White Cloud.
Aotea = white cloud
Roa = long
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Modern scholarship does not support the idea of a "Great Fleet" as was portrayed in earlier times. Nevertheless there certainly are legitimate 'canoe traditions' of the various tribes, and the names of the canoes include: Tainui, Te Arawa, Takitimu, Kurahaupo, Mataatua, Tokomaru, Aotea, and Ngatokomatawhaorua.
For a modern view, the article under Great Fleet in teara.govt.nz will present the current position.
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According to Maori native myths and legends, when the native Maori people arrived in New Zealand, they arrived in seven great Waka, or giant canoes, no-one knows where they originally came from, but all sensible answers point toward the pacific islands. When the Waka landed around the coast, they created the first seven tribes, and the Maori people started from that.
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Aotearoa is the Maori name for New Zealand. It means Land of the long white cloud.
** Aotearoa simply means "Long Cloud" - no "land of" (Whenua) or "white" (Ma) is in the name.
Also, "Aotea" was the name of one of the first Maori canoes to settle on the Nth Island, given its lengthy voyage, it's fair to assume that it would have been a "long" canoe... until recent years "Aotearoa" was merely the name for the North Island only.
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Hawaiki is most likely to be Ra'iatea (formerly known as Havai'i) and not modern day Hawai'i. This is situated in French Polynesia and is approximately 230km North-West of Tahiti. One of the first marae was built here around 1000AD called Taputapuatea. It is commonly referred to in many Polynesian cultures including Marqueasan, Hawaiian and Maori culture.
The nearby island Bora Bora was an island where warriors (toa) were trained.
Not sure how accurate this part is: The Tainui and Aotea canoes were possibly built here.
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Aotearoa is the Maori name for New Zealand. It originally meant only what is now known as the North Island, but is becoming more recognized internationally as the bilingual (English/Maori) name of New Zealand. In an 1878 Maori translation of the national anthem God Defend New Zealand, Aotearoa was used in place of New Zealand. This translation remains in use.
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Ocean-going waka, whatever their size, could be paddled but achieved their best speeds when propelled by sail. The Polynesian settlers of New Zealand migrated to New Zealand in large waka; some of these were waka hourua according to legend, double-hulled vessels. Maori were expert hunters and fishermen. As mostly coastal dwellers, fishing was vitally important to them. Maori considered whales as kaitiaki (guardians), and used their flesh for food and their hard, strong bones for weapons. A Maori tradition that remains today is to throw back the first fish caught. This is a way of thanking Tangaroa, god of the sea, for his bounty. It is also considered that they hopped from island to island before making their journey's end at aotea roa. The cook islands language is 97% similar to that of maori and could suggest that this was the last stop. A favourite meal that is still eaten today is diced raw fish sauced in coconut cream seasoned and salted.
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The first Maori (or Polynesian) to discover Aotearoa (New Zealand on today's maps) was known as Kupe the Navigator.
There are many versions of this story, but it is said that Kupe was fighting a huge octopus which had been disturbing fishermen in his mythical homeland of Hawaiiki. The fight with the octopus brought him all the way to the shores of a new land.
Kupe and his crew arrived in this new land at Raukawakawa (Cook Strait), where they killed the Octopus.
it is said that Kupe's wife named the land Aotearoa after first sighting it. Literally Aotea Roa means "Long Cloud" or the more glamourous "Land of the Long White Cloud".
In Mythology, Maui the Demigod, fished the North Island of Aotearoa (Te Ika A Maui) out of the sea. The South island is said to be Te Waka A Maui (the canoe of Maui).
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Hello, Get a load of this...
1840 Possession taken of Auckland as site of capital 1842 First local government legislation
First major shiploads of British immigrants arrive 1850 First local body elections in Auckland 1851 Proclamation of Borough of Auckland (dissolved 1852) 1852 New Zealand given Constitution 1854 Establishment of Auckland City Council (dissolved 1856) 1862 Establishment of City Board of Works 1863 First rate ever struck in Auckland
Capital to be shifted to Wellington 1865 First gas street lights 1866 First piped water supply (from Domain ponds) 1871 After petition, Auckland proclaimed a borough (city)
First meeting of City Council
First City Council elections
Establishment of Auckland Harbour Board
City Council takes control of Albert Barracks (Park) 1872 First railway train runs in Auckland 1875 Western Springs acquired 1876 Original Auckland Institute and Museum opened 1877 City Abattoir commences operations 1880 Public Free Library opens 1881 First municipal public baths open 1882 City Council area expanded by first amalgamations 1883 Auckland University College opened 1884 Control of Domain transferred to City Council
Horse trams commence first service (City-Ponsonby) 1885 Auckland Hospital & Charitable Aid Board established 1886 Original Symonds St cemetery closed and Waikumete opened 1887 Queen St first lit by electricity 1888 City Art Gallery formally opened 1894 First traffic Inspector appointed
First reserves acquired in Waitakere Ranges 1901 Venerable Sir John Logan Campbell elected mayor 1902 Electric tramways commence running
First water piped from Waitakere reservoirs 1903 Cornwall Park, gifted by Campbell, formally opened 1904 First 'Greater Auckland' conference 1905 Rubbish destructor (incineration) starts working 1906 Auckland Fire Board established
Mandatory registration of motor vehicles introduced 1908 City Council power station starts generating electricity 1910 Grafton Bridge opened to traffic 1911 Town Hall completed and opened 1912 First major strike of City Council employees 1913 Parnell and Arch Hill amalgamated into City 1914 Parnell and Tepid Baths receive first patrons
First City Council houses approved
City Council owned Fish Market commences business 1915 Myers' Park opened 1917 Epsom amalgamated into City. 1918 Influenza epidemic strikes 1919 City Council purchases electric tramway system
Municipal Choir gives first concert 1921 Point Chevalier amalgamated into City 1922 First mechanical traffic signals in operation
Auckland Zoological Park opened
Auckland Electric Power Board established 1923 Waikumete Cemetery Crematorium in operation 1924 Tramways enter `war' with private buses
First large City Council housing estate completed
Municipal Band starts performing 1926 First municipal off-street parking constructed 1927 Royal Commission on Auckland's water supply
Expansive Civic Centre scheme rejected 1928 Royal Commission on Auckland's transport 1929 Waterfront (Tamaki) Drive opened for traffic
War memorial Institute & Museum officially opened
Great depression strikes Auckland 1930 Royal Commission on harbour crossing 1931 Citizens & Ratepayers' Assn first gain political control 1933 Conference on combatting unemployment
Municipal motor camp opens at Western Springs 1935 Labour Party wins both City Council and general election 1937 Municipal bus terminal at Britomart opened 1938 City Council town planning scheme first in New Zealand 1939 Waitakere scenic Centennial Drive opened
Municipal golf course opened at Chamberlain Park 1940 Wartime administrative arrangements introduced 1944 Transit housing scheme inaugurated 1947 Public relations office founded
First set of automatic traffic lights installed 195 Housing reclamation starts in Freeman's Bay
Auckland venue for Commonwealth Games 1952 First block of pensioner flats occupied 1953 Parking meters first in operation 1954 Construction of Brown's Island drainage scheme started 1955 Mangere chosen as site for international air terminal
Master Transportation Plan (motorways) adopted
Water flows from first water reservoir in Hunua Ranges 1956 Brown's Island gifted to City Council as park
Motor vehicle testing station opened at Grey Lynn 1958 `Barnes' Dance' pedestrian crossing at intersections 1959 Auckland Harbour Bridge opened 1960 Mangere Drainage scheme commissioned 1961 City Council's first planning scheme operative 1963 Compost plant officially opened
First meeting of Auckland Regional Authority 1964 Auckland Region reaches half million population 1966 Auckland International Airport commences operations
Civic Administration Building opened 1967 Introduction of towaway zones 1968 First pedestrian mall (Vulcan Lane) developed 1970 First Citizens' Advice Bureau established at Ponsonby 1971 City Council centennial celebrations
Official City Council centennial history published
New Central Library opened 1972 Los Angeles adopted as first sister city 1973 Kleensaks introduced for domestic refuse collection 1974 Central area traffic control system introduced 1975 Civic Underground Car Park opened 1977 Coast-to-coast walkway developed 1979 Aotea Square officially opened 1980 Queen Elizabeth II Square opened
MOTAT-Zoo tramway inaugurated
Busking in Queen St permitted 1981 Special animal control centre opened 1982 First-ever Council meeting outside Civic Chambers 1983 Auckland City declared a nuclear-free zone. 1984 Queen St riot
Tolls on Harbour Bridge abolished 1985 Mayoral Drive formally opened
First area office (Blockhouse Bay) opened 1986 Fukuoka adopted as second sister city
First elections conducted by postal vote
First modern elections based on wards 1988 Sister-city link established with Brisbane 1989 Traffic control taken over by Ministry of transport
Amalgamation with nine suburban municipalities
Reconstitution of `new' Auckland City Council 1990 Aotea Centre opened
Auckland 150th anniversary celebrations
Auckland venue for Commonwealth Games 1991 Auckland Star newspaper ceases publication 1992 Auckland Regional Services Trust established 1993 Municipal abattoir sold 1994 Great Auckland water shortage 1995 Commonwealth Heads of Government conference 1996 Population of Auckland region exceeds one million 1997 Town Hall refurbishment completed
Civic Theatre reverts to City Council
America's Cup village construction started 1998 South-Eastern Arterial Highway opened
Britomart development appeal heard
1 answer
Song thrushes
Tools with steel blades and edges.
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