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He was the son of Atreus and Aerope.

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His parents are Atreus and Aerope.

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Atreus and Cleola or his son Pleisthenes and Aerope.

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His father was Atreus and his mother was aerope

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No, Menelaus is the son of Pleisthenes and Aerope - or Atreus and Cleola. Penelope the wife of Odysseus was the daughter of Icarius who was brother to Tyndareus the husband of Leda, who was mother of Helen.

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Ares loved the goddesses: Aphrodite, Eos, Enyo, Persephone, and Thelpousa/Demeter.

He also loved the nymphs: Harmonia, Sterope or Harpinna, Kyrene or Asterie, Tanagra, Tereine, and Triteia.

The mortals: Aerope, Agraulos, Althaia, Astyokhe, Atalanta, Demonike/Demodoke, Dotis or Khryse, Ilia/Rhea Silvia, Otrere, Pelopia or Pyrene, Phylonome, and Protogeneia.

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Agamemnon was the son of king Atreus and queen Aerope of Mycenae, the brother of Menelaus, the husband of Clytemnestra and the father of Iphigenia, Electra, Orestes and Chrysothemis. Mythical legends make him the king of Mycenae or Argos, thought to be different names for the same area. When Helen, the wife of Menelaus, was abducted by Paris of Troy, Agamemnon commanded the united Greek armed forces in the ensuing Trojan War.

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In Greek_mythology, Agamemnon is the son of King Atreusof Mycenae and Queen Aerope; the brother of Menelausand the husband of Clytemnestra; different mythological versions make him the king either of Mycenae or of Argos. When Helen, the wife of Menelaus, was abducted by Paris_(mythology) of Troy, Agamemnon was the commander of the Achaeans_(Homer) in the ensuing Trojan_War. Upon his return from Troy he was murdered by Aegisthus, the lover of his wife Clytemnestra, who herself slew Cassandra, Agamemnon's unfortunate concubine, as she clung to him.

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In Greek_mythology, Agamemnon is the son of King Atreusof Mycenae and Queen Aerope; the brother of Menelausand the husband of Clytemnestra; different mythological versions make him the king either of Mycenae or of Argos. When Helen, the wife of Menelaus, was abducted by Paris_(mythology) of Troy, Agamemnon was the commander of the Achaeans_(Homer) in the ensuing Trojan_War. Upon his return from Troy he was murdered by Aegisthus, the lover of his wife Clytemnestra, who herself slew Cassandra, Agamemnon's unfortunate concubine, as she clung to him.

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According to Dictionary.com Menelaus's brother was Agamemnon. According to my book, Gods, Demigods & Demons, An Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology by Bernard Evslin, Menelaus is the brother of Agamemnon. In my book, Mythology - Myths, Legends and Fantasies by Global Book Publishing, Menelaus is the son of Atreus and Aerope, husband of Helen and brother of Agamemnon who was married to Clytaemnestra. Menelaus had one daughter called Hermione. Menelaus was the king of Sparta, while Agamemnon was the king of Mycenae. Hope this helps! Alice

10 answers

No one knows. Aggememnon was the king of the Achaeans in the Illiad. The Iliad was not written down for centuries and is one of the documents that defines the historical period from prehsitory (That is written records of human events). There is some evidence that the war actually occured, but the dates vary in the 1100's BC.

4 answers

  • Clymene, an Oceanid; wife of Iapetus, and mother of Atlas, Epimetheus, Prometheus, and Menoetius; other authors relate the same of her sister Asia. A less common genealogy makes Clymene the mother of Deucalion by Prometheus. The Oceanid Clymene is also given as the wife to King Merops of Ethiopia and, by Helios, mother of Phaëton and the Heliades.
  • Clymene, a Nereid.
  • Clymene, an Amazon.
  • Clymene, an "ox-eyed" servant of Helen. She was a daughter of Aethra by Hippalces, thus half-sister to Theseus and a distant relative to Menelaus. She and her mother were taken by Helen to Troy as handmaidens, and were released by Acamas and Demophon after the fall of Troy.
  • Clymene, daughter of Catreus. She and her sister Aerope were given to Nauplius to be sold away, as Catreus feared the possibility of being killed by one of his children. Nauplius took Clymene to wife, and by him she became mother of Palamedes, Oeax and Nausimedon.
  • Clymene, daughter of Minyas, wife of either Cephalus or Phylacus, and mother of Iphiclus and Alcimede.] Some sources call her Periclymene or Eteoclymene, while according to others, Periclymene and Eteoclymene were the names of her sisters. Alternately, this Clymene was the wife of Iasus and mother by him of Atalanta.
  • Clymene, wife of Merops of Miletus, and mother of Pandareus.
  • Clymene, possible mother of Myrtilus by Hermes.
  • Clymene, a nymph, mother of Tlesimenes by Parthenopaeus.
  • Clymene, one of the Trojan women taken captive at the end of the Trojan War. She might or might not be the same as the servant of Helen mentioned above.
  • Clymene and Dictys were honored in Athens as the saviors of Perseus and had an altar dedicated to them.

1 answer

Agamemnon is a mythological hero whose name is spelled with nine letters of the alphabet.

According to Hittite sources, Agamemnon actually may have lived in the 14th century B.C.E.* In Hittite, his name was Akagamunas. He was a ruler of Ahhiyawa, which was Hittite for 'the land of the Achaeans'. Ancient Greece was settled by four main tribes: the Achaeans, the Aeolians, the Dorians, and the Ionians. But oftentimes the ancient Greeks simply were referred to as Achaeans.

Agamemnon sometimes was called the King of Mycenae, sometimes of Argos. He was the son of Queen Aerope and King Atreus of Mycenae. The King was killed by his own nephew Aegisthus, the son of his own twin brother Thyestes. Agamemnon and his brother Menelaus escaped to the court of King Tyndareus of Sparta. There, they married the King's own daughters. Agamemnon married Clytemnestra, Menelaus the infamous Helen of Troy.

With the outbreak of the Trojan War, Agamemnon became commander of the Achaeans. With the war's end, he claimed as his reward Cassandra, the daughter of Trojan King Priam. Agamemnon's wife was involved in a passionate affair with Aegisthus. Nevertheless, Clytemnestra resented the presence of Cassandra, and reacted most murderously against both her and Agamemnon. Clytemnestra and Agememnon had had four children: Chrysothemis, Electra, Iphigenia, and Orestes. Orestes promptly avenged his father's death by killing his mother.

*Before the Christian Era.


Good answer, though to expand, Cytemnestra actually plotted to have Agamemnon killed years before while he was at Troy. Agamemnon had sacrificed their daughter Iphigenia to Artemis for favorable winds on the journey. Needless to say, Mother Clytemnestra did not appreciate her husband murdering their daughter and when Agamemnon returned, she and her new lover, Aegisthus, murdered him in his bath. Her son Orestes then killed Clytemnestra in revenge.

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