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with a awb player

1 answer

The population of AWB Limited is 2,800.

1 answer

AWB - album - was created in 1974-08.

1 answer

AWB Limited was created on 1999-07-01.

1 answer

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magnify glass

The basic difference between Master AWB and House AWB is that Master AWB is issued by an airline whereas House AWB is issued by a Freight Forwarding Agent.

In the top right column of the AWB, you can find the name of the airline or the freight forwarding agent who has issued the AWB. If an airline's name is mentioned in the top right column of the AWB then it is a Master Airway Bill otherwise it is a House Airway Bill.

1 answer

Awb 46139344063 delivery not reached now to me


1 answer

"The electronic Airway Bill (e-AWB) is the key factor towards the full implementation of e-freight. Lufthansa Cargo is committed to make the e-AWB an industry success by introducing it by the end of this year."

1 answer

The AWB political party stands for 'Afrikaner Resistance Movement' which was formed by Eug̩ne Terre'Blanche in 1973. AWB is a white supermacist and non-facist group which has received much publicity across South Africa and Internationally.

1 answer

The airport code for Awaba Airport is AWB.

1 answer

Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging

Its like the KKK in America but not so ex stream.

1 answer

The AWB is overseen by the United Nations Security Council, which is made up of 15 member countries, including five permanent members with veto power. The Council is responsible for enforcing the arms embargo, monitoring compliance, and imposing penalties for violations.

1 answer

Depending on your location, they'd probably run between $500 - $700, and more for a preban rifle in an AWB state.

1 answer

AWB stands for Air Waybill, which is a non-negotiable transport document used in air freight that serves as a receipt for the goods and a contract between the shipper and the carrier. BL stands for Bill of Lading, which is a negotiable transport document used in sea freight that serves as a receipt for the goods and evidence of the contract of carriage. The main difference is the mode of transport they are used in and their negotiability.

2 answers

Yes, it is legal. Florida has no AWB in effect. However, anything you add must be US made.

1 answer

Pick Up the Pieces - album - was created in 1977.

3 answers

there are many players (freeware and shareware) but if you use nokia hp you can play with nokia multimedia player (packed in pcsuite 6.0, i can't find audio player at pcsuite 7.1)

1 answer

Payment terms include advance payment of goods and/or partial payment. In addition, a letter of credit can be submitted to the exporter of the good specifying a date which full payment will be received. This can be within 30, 60 or 90 days.

1 answer

It gets a bit more in-depth, but if it can accept a magazine with a capacity over 10 rounds, and such a magazine is manufactured by or for the OEM, and it is sold in non-AWB states with a magazine capacity of higher than 10 rounds, it's going to be illegal in California.

1 answer

Shipper's Export Declaration (SED):

An official document submitted by a US exporter whenever a shipment of merchandise is shipped from the United States to a foreign destination. The joint Bureau of Census-International Trade Administration issues this form used for compiling US export control laws. In it the shipper shows the value, weight, consignee, destination, etc., of export shipments as well as Schedule B identification numbers.

Air Waybill (AWB)

Specifies the terms under which the air carrier is agreeing to transport the goods and contains limitations of liability; contract between shipper and carrier.

This information was found at FedEx - Glossary of Shipping Terms

1 answer

In order to handle small lot of consignment efficiently and competitively, freight forwarder usually put many consignments into one lot then tender to carrier for forwarding. In this case, each consignment will be shipped with one HAWB respectively and all of them will be under one master AWB.

1 answer

Just about any kind you want, as long as it's available in an AWB legal configuration that does not have two or more of the following features:

  • Pronounced pistol grip
  • Adjustable buttstock
  • Bayonet lug
  • Flash suppressor

Now, on the other hand, if you purchase a receiver made prior to the passage of the Clinton ban, you can have these "evil" features.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern ---AWB---. That is, nine letter words with 4th letter A and 5th letter W and 6th letter B. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

No. The AR-7, even in AWB states like New York, California, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, is a featureless rifle which does not have any features defined by the BATFE as features of a so-called "civilian assault weapon". Even in California and New York, where a single feature rifle is defined as an assault weapon, it is still legal.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern D-AWB--. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter D and 3rd letter A and 4th letter W and 5th letter B. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern ---AWB-S. That is, eight letter words with 4th letter A and 5th letter W and 6th letter B and 8th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern ---AWB--S. That is, nine letter words with 4th letter A and 5th letter W and 6th letter B and 9th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -AWB-X. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter A and 3rd letter W and 4th letter B and 6th letter X. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -AWB-Y. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter A and 3rd letter W and 4th letter B and 6th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -AWB---E-. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter A and 3rd letter W and 4th letter B and 8th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -AWB---N-. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter A and 3rd letter W and 4th letter B and 8th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -AWB---O-. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter A and 3rd letter W and 4th letter B and 8th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern -AWB-E. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter A and 3rd letter W and 4th letter B and 6th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -AWB-AD-. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter A and 3rd letter W and 4th letter B and 6th letter A and 7th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

Laws vary by state. If unsure about a particular state, your safest bet is to keep the firearm unloaded and secure in the trunk of your vehicle. So long as the firearm is legal both at the point of origin of the trip and the destination, you're protected under the Firearm Owner's Protection Act, for example, if you drive through an AWB state with an AR-15 and high cap mags, so long as the firearm is transported in the legal manner prescribed by that state.

1 answer

There's plenty floating around Africa, thanks to the Soviets, Chinese, and Americans pumping the country full of them during the Cold War. Other than that, we can assume you want to go the legal route, and purchase a civilian legal, semi-auto variant. Bear in mind we get questions from the world over. In the US, provided you're not in an AWB state, you simply buy it at a gun shop. You fill out your Form 4473, get the NICS background check phoned in, and buy your rifle.

1 answer

Two different songs have charted with that title. By far, the better known was the song first charted by Dionne Warwick in 1964. It was subsequently covered AND charted by Isaac Hayes, Gloria Gaynor, AWB, and Sybil.

The lesser-known song (and one of my favorites) charted by Leroy Van Dyke in 1961.

5 answers

The P90 is a full auto weapon which did not enter production until well after the manufacture of full auto firearms for civilian sales was ended. To be able to purchase one, you would need to to be an FFL dealer with a Special Occupational Class II tax stamp, and a law enforcement letterhead approving the purchase as a dealer sample. A semi auto variant with a 16 inch barrel can be purchased at any licenced firearms dealer, provided you're not in an AWB state (Massachussetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Caalifornia, and Cook County, Illinois).

1 answer

Well, first you have to live in a state which will approve NFA Class III transfers. Then, you have to get a Federal Firearms Licence... Type 1 (dealer) with a Class III Special Occupational Tax Stamp is the one you'd probably want. Once you've done that, you'll need to open a store front, and you'll probably need to build and open a range in order to justify the purchase (purchasing it for range rental). Then, you have to obtain a letter of approval from your local law enforcement agency which authorises you to purchase the P90 as a dealer sample.

If you don't want to go through all of that, the most you'll manage is a PS90. It's a semi-automatic variant of the P90 with a 16 inch barrel. Any FFL dealer in any non-AWB state can order one for you.

1 answer

== == Nonfatal gun crime has decreased after the passing of the Brady Bill. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, "Nonfatal firearm-related crime has plummeted since 1993, then slightly increased in 2005." (Source: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance/firearmnonfatalno.htm) The Brady Bill was passed in 1993. In 2005, the federal Assault Weapon Ban (AWB) expired.

However, it does not necessarily follow that gun-control caused the decrease in nonfatal gun crime. Other concurrent events, such as improved economic prosperity, may account for some or all of the change. Banning guns does not necesarily mean that violence will be stopped, or even slowed, since banning guns takes guns from responsible citizens, but does not take illegally acquired guns from criminals( .025% of all crimes in the US *2007-2009 average statistic* involve a firearm of any kind.)

1 answer

I think you mean AR-15? The AR-16 was a 7.62x51 rifle based on the action of the AR-18. Very few are in existence, as it never entered serial production. If you actually do have a semi-auto AR-16, it would be legal in NYS with any number of "scary" features, as it would have been made well before the 1994 Clinton ban.

As for AR-15s, the answer is still yes, but with technicalities.

NYS technically permits full auto firearms, but in reality they don't. So if you have a full auto receiver, it won't be NY legal.

Semi-auto AR-15s are legal in NYS. If it was manufactured prior to the passage of the Clinton ban (September 1994), it can have "scary" features. However, a rifle on a post-AWB receiver may not have two or more of the following features:

  • Collapsible buttstock
  • Pronounced pistol grip
  • Bayonet lug
  • Flash suppressor
  • Grenade launcher attachment

3 answers

New York State has an ongoing so-called assault weapons ban. However, it is still possible to import preban receivers and complete rifles into the state, and to have single feature postban rifles with one (but never more) of the following features:

  • Collapsing buttstock
  • Pronounced pistol grip
  • Flash suppressor (a muzzle brake is alright, but must be permanently pinned)
  • Barrel shroud
  • Bayonet lug
  • Muzzle mounted grenade launcher (such as on the Yugoslav M59/66 variant of the SKS)

According to New York State law (and the laws of all AWB states, except for California, which allows none of the features), it's alright to have one of those items on a postban rifle, but having two or more of those items makes it an illegal "assault" weapon in the state of New York (as well as Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Cook County, Illinois).

As far as true assault weapons go - those being select fire NFA taxed firearms - New York State will not permit any Class II or Class III firearms.

1 answer

Yes, South Africa practiced capital punishment under apartheid, although it was suspended (never to be resumed) in 1989, after F W de Klerk assumed the presidency. A few bantustans continued to practice it into 1991. Legal executions in South Africa was reserved for the gravest of offenses which could have been treated equally in other western countries, although starting in the 1960s, several executions took place which were considered to be political, i.e. as a deterrent for other opponents of the regime. Nelson Mandela was expected to receive a death sentence in the Rivonia Trial in 1964 for treason and sabotage, although ultimately the judge chose life imprisonment instead. At least one of the victims of a "political" execution was John Frederick Harris in 1965, who had bombed the Johannesburg Railway Station the year before, killing one person and injuring 23.

Mainly in the 1980s (but also in Soweto in the 1970s, for example), South Africans and foreign nationals were extrajudicially killed by the government, more or less deliberately, without due process, in order to silence opposition and deter others. Black resistance groups also perpetrated extrajudicial executions (read necklacing), and sometimes blacks were paid to do the government's deeds and thus lay the blame on opposition groups, so a certain gray area exists. White anti-government groups (such as the AWB) and individuals also committed atrocities (such as the murder of Chris Hani) which could well be labeled "executions", depending upon your definition.

1 answer

Jos Janssens has written:

'Innovations in lifelong learning' -- subject(s): Continuing education, Employees, Training of

'Vita e morte del cristiano negli epitaffi di Roma anteriori al sec. VII' -- subject(s): Antiquities, Christian antiquities, Christians, Epitaphs, Latin Inscriptions, Religious life and customs

9 answers

Glock 19 with an extended clip

To clarify and expand: The Glock 19 is a very common and popular semi-automatic handgun. The "model 19" is one of dozens of models of Glock pistols. The model 19 (or "G19" or "G-19") 9mm ammo and is medium-sized. It is intended to be a self-defense gun for police officers, armed citizens, bodyguards, detectives, etc. It is small enough to carry concealed but it holds a lot of ammo: Normally about 13 or 14 rounds (don't quote me on that).

The Glock 19 is not an "assault weapon" by any reasonable definition of that phrase. It is not the kind of gun that the U.S. federal Assault Weapon Ban (AWB) applied to back when that law was in effect 1994-2004. It's just a regular semi-automatic pistol that uses detachable magazines of various sizes that attach to the gun through the grip, which is hollow.

The "EXTENDED CLIP" used in this shooting was a 33-round magazine which is not the normal-sized magazine for this gun, or any other Glock semi-auto pistol.

Both Glock and some other non-affiliated companies produce magazines of this extra-large size for Glock pistols. Glock invented these magazines for use in their fully-automatic machine pistol, the Glock 18 (which is not available to regular individuals, just police, military, and dealers who are licensed to make and sell modern machineguns).

Regular Americans sometimes buy higher-than-normal capacity magazines for their pistols just because it makes shooting them more enjoyable. You can fire more rounds (the fun part) before you have to stop to reload the magazine (not fun). And if an armed citizen wants to be able to effectively defend themselves against multiple attackers, such as several members of a gang who might travel in a pack, a 33-round magazine is useful in this situation. Extra high capacity magazines are not just for crazy homicidal maniacs.

Under the federal Assault Weapon Ban (1994-2004), newly-manufactured magazines over 10 rounds could not be sold to civilians, only police agencies and the military. So during those years, all Glock pistols that normally came with 17, 15, or 12 round magazines were shipped to gun stores with new substitute 10-round mags.

1 answer

nee, key, be, bee, brie, Cree, fee, flea, flee, free, gee, ghee, glee, he, knee, lea, lee, me, pea, pee, plea, prix, sea, see, she, ski, spree, tea, tee, thee, tree, we, wee, agree, alee, artsy, banshee, debris, decree, degree, draftee, emcee, esprit, foresee, goatee, grand prix, gutsy, lessee, marquee, marquis, payee, ranee, rani, rupee, tiki, trainee, trustee, whoopee, absentee, addressee, amputee, appointee, attendee, bourgeoisie, conferee, deportee, designee, detainee, devotee, disagree, enlistee, escapee, franchisee, guarantee, guaranty, honoree, inductee, internee, invitee, jubilee, licensee, nominee, oversea, oversee, parolee, potpourri, referee, repartee, retiree, returnee, undersea
b, abt, ag, awb, b, b., be, bea, bee, blea, brea, bree, brie, bui, c,c., cac, chea, chee, cie, cod, crea, cree, cyb, d, d., de, dea, dee,di, e, e., ee, fee, fi, flea, flee, fop, free, freeh, fsi, g, g., geac,ged, gee, ghee, glee, gyi, he, hee, ib, id, ip, irve, je, jee, ji, jie,kea, kee, key, khe, ki, klee, knee, kyi, lea, lee, leigh, li, lxi, mc,me, mea, mee, mi, mt, ne, nee, nghi, ni, nie, nyet, ot, oui, p, p.,pea, peay, pee, plea, pre, pree, pri, prix, qi, quai, quay, qui, re,ree, reeh, rhee, schlee, schlie, schnee, sci, sea, see, sep, sffed,she, shi, shieh, shih, shri, si, sie, sieh, ski, slee, smee, snee, spie,spree, sri, syp, sze, t, t., te, tea, tee, thee, thi, ti, tree, tse, v, v.,ve, vee, vi, we, wee, wiehe, xi, xie, ye, yee, yi, yie, z, z., ze, zea,zee, zi

she, me, he, we, thee, flea, see, bee, be, Lee

2 answers

An assault rifle by its true definition is a select fire weapon capable of full auto function. For example, an M-16 can, with one trigger pull, fire either single-shot, multiple shot or full-auto. An AR-15 (which looks the same cosmetically) can only fire one bullet each time the trigger is pulled (semi-auto).

In the US, to be able to own assault rifles legally, they have to be NFA licensed weapons, and the owner must purchase the appropriate tax stamp from the BATFE. The rifle will have to be purchased/transferred through a Class III dealer.

In 1994, gun control advocates came up with the term "civilian assault rifle", largely as a confusion tactic, as the general public wasn't expected to know the difference between those and a full auto military rifle. The BATFE determined that any detachable magazine rifle with two or more of the following features was was considered a "civilian assault weapon":

  • Pronounced pistol grip
  • Bayonet lug
  • Flash suppressor
  • Grenade launcher (such as the permanently attached type found on the Yugoslav M59/66 SKS variants)
  • Folding or telescoping stock

As the ban was based solely on cosmetic features, it was easy enough to make compliant designs, simply by removing, or having only one of these features. For example, if the rifle had a pronounced pistol grip, and none of the other features, it wasn't considered a 'civilian assault rifle', because it only had a single feature. Eventually, the BATFE determined that muzzle brakes were acceptable, so long as they were permanently attached.

After the sunset of the ban in 2004, the states of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Cook County, Illinois have kept this ban in their own law books.

California has had such a ban since before the federal ban, and theirs is a much more sweeping ban. Unlike other AWB states, where you can still have a single feature rifle or import a pre-ban rifle, all such firearms had to be registered with the state in 2000, and could not transferred to anyone else within the state.

With the current California laws, you either have to have owned your weapon prior to the 2000 registration, or else you have two options - there's a fixed magazine rifle, in which case, it doesn't meet the definition of a 'civilian assault weapon' (which must have a detachable magazine), and you're allowed all the features you want - or you must have a featureless rifle - no pistol grip or thumbhole stock, no collapsing buttstock, no flash suppressor - California law also bans forward grips.

On top of all that, you also have to ensure that you have an off-list lower receiver. If you wanted to make a California complaint AR-type rifle, a Colt lower would be illegal, as it's listed in the California DOJ ban list, but a Daniels' Defense lower would be perfectly legal, as they're not (yet) listed by the California DOJ.

3 answers

flees, bees, keys, sees, knees, peas, breeze, freeze, agrees, tease, gees, please, cease, fees, seas, ease, wees, crease, she's, he's,
free read street creep. read. breed. breeze freeze three,s
Breeze, freeze, agrees.
bees, fees, fleas, freeze, tease, seas, seize, sees, breeze, gees, grease, ease, please, he's, keys, wheeze,
fleas, knees, cheese, peas, keys

3 answers

1 syllable:

ab, abt, amc, awb, b, b., be, bea, bee, blea, brea, bree, brie, bui, c, c., cac, chea, chee, cie, cod, crea, cree, cyb, d, d., de, dea, Dee, di, e, e., ee, fee, fi, flea, flee, fop, free, freeh, fsi, g, g., geac, GED, gee, ghee, glee, gyi, he, hee, hnat, ib, id, ip, irve, je, jee, ji, jie, kea, kee, key, khe, ki, klee, knee, kyi, lea, lee, leigh, li, lxi, mc, me, mea, mee, mi, mt, ne, nee, nghi, nie, nyet, ot, oui, p, p., pea, peay, pee, plea, pre, pree, pri, prix, qi, quai, quay, qui, re, rea, ree, reeh, rhee, schlee, schlie, schnee, sci, see, sep, sffed, she, shi, shieh, shih, shri, si, sie, sieh, ski, slee, smee, snee, spie, spree, sri, syp, sze, t, t., te, tea, tee, thee, thi, three, ti, tree, tse, v, v., ve, vee, vi, we, wee, wiehe, xi, xie, ye, yee, yi, yie, z, z., ze, zea, zee

2 syllables:

abee, ac, achee, acree, adee, agee, agree, ailee, aimee, akey, albee, allee, andree, and he, and we, artsy, ash tree, askey, as he, baldree, banshee, barbee, bay tree, beach flea, beach pea, bead tree, bean tree, beaudry, beech tree, beef tea, bibbee, bibee, bibi, big tree, birch tree, black bee, black pea, black tea, blue pea, bouchey, bouie, bouley, bo tree, bresee, broom tree, bt, buie, bushee, bush pea, c. d., c3, cablec, cacld, candee, can he, capri, cartee, cat-3, cat flea, cc, CD, chablis, childree, church key, colee, coppee, cork tree, cottee, couey, coutee, cuffee, curie, curlee, d. c., debris, decree, deedee, degree, depree, depuy, deupree, did he, dog flea, do we, draftee, dubree, dundee, dupee, dupree, duree, duryee, elm tree, embree, emcee, esprit, fanguy, ferree, field pea, fig tree, fir tree, flame pea, flame tree, flat pea, fleuri, foree, foresee, forsee, for free, for me, frazee, fringe tree, fruit tree, gassee, george v, give me, goatee, god tree, golf tee, goostree, goree, grand prix, grass pea, grass tree, green pea, green tea, gretzky, group b, guerry, guide me, gum tree, gurnee, gutsy, hao-chi, hardee, heart pea, heath pea, hembree, Henri, herb tea, high tea, holm tree, iced tea, ice tea, if we, indri, irit, janii, jaycee, jessee, keesee, kissee, labree, larch tree, lavie, lead tree, legree, lessee, let me, lime tree, loree, losee, louie, love tree, lp, m3, macphee, magee, Marie, markee, marquee, marquis, marsh pea, marsh tea, mcbee, mccree, mcfee, mcgee, mcghee, mcghie, mckee, mckey, mckie, mcnee, mcphee, mcphie, mcree, mcvea, ming tree, mme, moree, murphree, musee, myrrh tree, nabil, nestle, nut tree, oak tree, one c, palm tree, partee, pattee, pawnee, peach tree, pear tree, pea tree, pee Dee, petree, pettee, piercey, piggee, pine tree, pingree, plane tree, plum tree, portee, pouncy, queen bee, rain tree, ranee, ravi, rb, rippee, rough pea, rountree, rupee, salt tree, sand flea, screw key, screw tree, se, sea pea, sebree, set free, shade tree, sheree, shippee, sightsee, silk tree, smithee, smoke tree, snap pea, snow pea, soap tree, spice tree, staff tree, stat mi, swanee, sweet pea, sze-di, t. v., tab key, tangqui, tb, thatch tree, that he, thierry, tootsie, to me, to see, trainee, trustee, tung tree, tv, type b, tyree, vendee, watch key, wheel tree, whoopee, wig tree, wild pea, will be, wind tee, winged pea, withee, would be, Yangtze, ye-yi, yippee, youree, yuichi, ziad

3 syllables:

a. b. c., a. c. p., a. n. c., a. z. t., abductee, absentee, addressee, adoptee, adoree, alder tree, allspice tree, almond tree, amputee, anise tree, apc, apple tree, appointee, aretsky, ATP, attendee, aujourd'hui, b. b. c., b. c. c., banyan tree, barbaree, bbc, before he, bel esprit, benami, bitter pea, blackwood tree, bourgeoisie, boy-ar-Dee, branitzky, breadfruit tree, buckwheat tree, bully tree, busy bee, button tree, c. d. c., cabbage tree, caley pea, cantv, caper tree, carob tree, cashew tree, cedar tree, cherry tree, chestnut tree, china tree, chocolate tree, Christmas tree, citron tree, citrus tree, coffee tree, come with me, comiskey, command key, common pea, conferee, control key, coral pea, coral tree, corkwood tree, crystal tea, cup of tea, cxc, cypress tree, d. d. t., d. l. c., d. m. z., d. n. c., darling pea, dauphinee, ddt, demaree, deportee, desert pea, designee, detailee, detainee, devil tree, devotee, disagree, docking fee, dogwood tree, dragon tree, drumstick tree, dsv, d and c, eap, edward v, enlistee, enrollee, entrance fee, escapee, f. c. c., f. e. c., f. t. c., fatheree, fever tree, fire tree, football tee, franchisee, g. d. p., g. n. p., g. o. p., garden pea, genus zea, German bee, glory pea, golden pea, guarani, guarantee, guaranty, gymboree, h. i. v., hammontree, hardegree, hardigree, hazel tree, hemlock tree, Henry v, herbal tea, hoary pea, hohensee, holy see, honoree, how did he, incense tree, inductee, internee, jubilee, Judas tree, k. g. b., killer bee, kumquat tree, l. d. p., l. s. d., lacquer tree, law degree, legal fee, lemon tree, licensee, linden tree, locust tree, logwood tree, loquat tree, lotus tree, LSD, ltd, lunati, m. i. t., m. t. v., mallonee, mango tree, mason bee, master key, mauna kea, mckelvie, meadow pea, medlar tree, melon tree, middle c, mining bee, mit, mitcheltree, mountain tea, mp3, mpg, mustard tree, n. b. c., n. r. c., necklace tree, nettle tree, nic, nitta tree, njt, nominee, nutmeg tree, o. m. b., oad, ocheltree, odp, ofc, olive tree, orange tree, orchid tree, ordeal tree, oversea, p. h. d., papaw tree, parolee, partridge pea, pecan tree, pepper tree, phoenix tree, pigeon pea, plantain tree, poison pea, poplar tree, portia tree, potpourri, potter bee, purple pea, q. v. c., quilting bee, r. t. c., ratterree, referee, repartee, resignee, retiree, returnee, return key, ribbon tree, rosalee, rosemarie, rosewood tree, rowan tree, s. a. t., s. e. c., satterlee, service tree, shamrock pea, shingle tree, signori, silver tree, siris tree, sorrel tree, spanish tea, spelling bee, spindle tree, sticktight flea, strangler tree, st Marie, sugar pea, sweet gum tree, t. n. t., take to be, temple tree, tenn, Tennessee, third degree, torrey tree, to a t, trumpet tree, tulip tree, t a c, u. s. c., undersea, valoree, varnish tree, waikiki, walnut tree, water flea, water ski, white wax tree, wild plum tree, wild sweet pea, willow tree, woodmansee, worker bee, yellow pea

4 syllables:

a. a. r. p., a. f. d. c., admission fee, afternoon tea, alkali bee, apricot tree, Australian pea, balata tree, banana tree, bird cherry tree, black cherry tree, black walnut tree, blue mountain tea, bullock's heart tree, butterfly pea, cacao tree, carob bean tree, carpenter bee, chaparral pea, Chinese pea tree, chlorophyll b, clementine tree, coconut tree, coco plum tree, color tv, common fig tree, common flat pea, coral bean tree, cranberry tree, crybaby tree, cucumber tree, damson plum tree, directv, doctor's degree, e. e. o. c., Egyptian pea, elephant tree, f. d. i. c., family tree, flamboyant tree, flowering tree, g. a. t. t., genus indri, going to be, hazelnut tree, hickory tree, ignition key, Indian pea, indri indri, interviewee, ironwood tree, Italian bee, ivory tree, Joshua tree, kagarlitsky, knbc, l. a. p. d., labrador tea, lapd, licensing fee, linear b, looking glass tree, mangosteen tree, marmalade tree, master's degree, Mexican tea, mulberry tree, n. t. s. b., oswego tea, pagoda tree, panama tree, papaya tree, paradise tree, paraguay tea, pink shower tree, potato tree, powerpc, pudding pipe tree, r. o. t. c., Robert e lee, sassafras tree, sensitive pea, skeleton key, smooth darling pea, spanish lime tree, strawberry tree, sugar snap pea, sweet orange tree, tangerine tree, telegraph key, tonka bean tree, to no degree, to that degree, to what degree, traveler's tree, tupelo tree, u. n. h. c., u. s. o. c., umbrella tree, u s m c, vinegar tree, vitamin b, vitamin c, vitamin d, vitamin e, vitamin g, vitamin p, wild cherry tree, wild china tree, wild mango tree, wild medlar tree, wild service tree, winged spindle tree, winter's bark tree

5 syllables:

africanized bee, anchovy pear tree, asparagus pea, audio CD, Australian grass tree, avocado tree, bachelor's degree, bitter orange tree, Chinese lacquer tree, Chinese scholar tree, common coral tree, common spindle tree, coniferous tree, custard apple tree, dilatory plea, English breakfast tea, English walnut tree, eucalyptus tree, everlasting pea, golden shower tree, hairy darling pea, hepatitis b, Indian rupee, insanity plea, mahogany tree, nepalese rupee, orchard apple tree, para rubber tree, pencil cedar tree, perennial pea, petite bourgeoisie, petty bourgeoisie, pistachio tree, Robert edward lee, rrrot, singletary pea, sour cherry tree, spanish cedar tree, sri lanka rupee, temple orange tree, white cinnamon tree

6 syllables:

academic degree, associate degree, Australian nettle tree, Austrian winter pea, Brazilian pepper tree, California bay tree, ceylon cinnamon tree, east Indian fig tree, hemophilia b, honorary degree, imperial decree, Indian coral tree, Jamaica caper tree, Japanese lacquer tree, Japanese varnish tree, Kentucky coffee tree, macadamia tree, mandarin orange tree, origination fee, Pakistani rupee, panama redwood tree, santa maria tree, Siberian pea tree, to a higher degree, to a lesser degree, to the highest degree, to the lowest degree, w. n. y. c.

7 syllables:

africanized honey bee, Brazilian potato tree, capital of Tennessee, Chinese angelica tree, European olive tree, fruit of the poisonous tree, glandular labrador tea, Japanese pagoda tree, macadamia nut tree, political detainee, to an adequate degree

8 syllables:

Japanese angelica tree, to a tolerable degree, western Australia coral pea


2 answers