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Your metabolism is how fast you can digest food. The faster your metabolism, the more likely you are skinny. Because, if your metabolism is slow, the food kind of builds up. The boosters speed up your metabolism. You can buy them at health stores and I think maybe shoppers drug mart.

2 answers

Insulin promotes lipogenesis by increasing the uptake of glucose and fatty acids, stimulating their conversion into triglycerides for storage. In contrast, glucagon inhibits lipogenesis by promoting the breakdown of stored fats and increasing fatty acid oxidation for energy production. Hormones like cortisol and growth hormone can also influence lipogenesis by modulating the availability of substrates and altering enzyme activity.

2 answers

in sandbox mode you can play freely and choose when to end the game. in sandbox mode you start with max money. you can access this mode after you get the silver trophy.

2nd answer

up up down down left right left right b a


type that code and you unlocked sandbox mode


type this in sandbox and viola!!!!



  • 1 - Guppy
  • 2 - Carnivore
  • 3 - Star dropping fish
  • 4 - Star Catcher
  • 5 - Guppy Cruncher
  • 6 - Beetle Muncher
  • 7 - Breeder
  • 8 - Ultravore


  • q - Stinky
  • w - Niko
  • e - Itchy
  • r - Prego
  • t - Zorf
  • y - Clyde
  • u - Vert
  • i - Rufus
  • o - Meryl
  • p - Wadsworth
  • a - Seymour
  • s - Shrapnel
  • d - Gumbo
  • f - Blip
  • g - Rhubarb
  • h - Nimbus
  • j - Amp
  • k - Gash
  • l - Angie
  • ; - Presto

Bonus Pets Make sure they are typed in capitals

  • A - Brinkley
  • S - Nostradamus
  • D - Walter
  • F - Stanley


  • z - Sylvester
  • x - Balrog
  • c - Gus
  • v - Destructor
  • b - Ulysses
  • n - PsychoSquid
  • m - Bilaterus

Change the background with + and -.

1 answer

It's possible but almost certainly something unrelated. Spotting is typically normal, and you might have just made the connection in your head.

The only way I can possible see any vaginal bleeding occurring is a long shot, and it would be that Metformin acts by activating AMPK which plays a role in muscle blood flow and contraction, and the increasingly vascular uterine smooth muscle during mid-cycle might be cramping to the increase in AMP. This is a huge completely unlikely stretch...

You never stated your age, but considering the fact that Metformin is used to treat type II diabetes. Patients with type II diabetes tend to be either overweight or older adults, so spotting could indicate that menopause might be on the horizon, since both obesity and age predispose a woman for menopause.

1 answer

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magnify glass

Attaining to sick and unwell students, making sure all equipment and medicine are all and well kept cleaning the sick bay

121 answers