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Paris was liberated on the 25th of August 1944.
In fact, French people liberated the city.

After the success of operation Overlord, and with the quick advance of allied forces, the Resistance and ordinary people in France began to rise up against the German government. The Resistance put up barricades, and some skirmishes occurred between the people and the German army.

The allies did not try to get to Paris directly, preferring to head east towards Germany and South around Paris in order to surround it.

Hitler gave the order to destroy all strategic spots (bridges..) and monuments, in order to create a French "Stalingrad". But General Von Choltitz, the German Wehrmacht general in charge of Paris, hesitated to execute Hitler's orders, so Hitler decided to send an SS division to Paris.

Faced with the threat of the upcoming destruction of Paris, a French armoured division "la 2ieme division blindée" led by Général Leclerc, based in Argentan (200 kms west of Paris) decided to head to Paris, disobeying the orders of his superior (the American General Gerow). Initially, he was not helped by Eisenhower but made an audacious break through the German lines. Eisenhower, who felt that nothing could hold back Leclerc, decided to send the American fourth infantry division to reinforce Leclerc's 2ieme d.b.

Capitaine Raymond Dronne leading the 9th company of Leclerc's division was the first to enter Paris by "the Porte d'Italie" at 09:21 pm the 24th of August; after fighting several days without sleeping they reached the Hôtel de Ville (City Hall) where the Resistance were based. General Von Choltitz surrendered to the French on the 25th of August in the "Gare Montparnasse"

These events were important because they prevented France from being ruled by an Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories (AMGOT). The French Resistance, the popular uprising, the courage the French soldiers had shown in Italy, South Africa, and the South of France were considered by the allies to be enough to allow the French people to rule themselves.

1 answer

French love to say that Paris was liberated by themselves, which is not false but underestimates the role of the Allies.

This is a copy/paste of an answer I already made
Who liberated Paris in 1944


Paris was liberated on the 25th of August 1944.
In fact, French people liberated the city.

After the success of operation Overlord, and with the quick advance of allied forces, the Resistance and ordinary people in France began to rise up against the German government. The Resistance put up barricades, and some skirmishes occurred between the people and the German army.

The allies did not try to get to Paris directly, preferring to head east towards Germany and South around Paris in order to surround it.

Hitler gave the order to destroy all strategic spots (bridges..) and monuments, in order to create a French "Stalingrad". But General Von Choltitz, the German Wehrmacht general in charge of Paris, hesitated to execute Hitler's orders, so Hitler decided to send an SS division to Paris.

Faced with the threat of the upcoming destruction of Paris, a French armoured division "la 2ieme division blindée" led by Général Leclerc, based in Argentan (200 kms west of Paris) decided to head to Paris, disobeying the orders of his superior (the American General Gerow). Initially, he was not helped by Eisenhower but made an audacious break through the German lines. Eisenhower, who felt that nothing could hold back Leclerc, decided to send the American fourth infantry division to reinforce Leclerc's 2ieme d.b.
Capitaine Raymond Dronne leading the 9th company of Leclerc's division was the first to enter Paris by "the Porte d'Italie" at 09:21 pm the 24th of August; after fighting several days without sleeping they reached the Hôtel de Ville (City Hall) where the Resistance were based. General Von Choltitz surrendered to the French on the 25th of August in the "Gare Montparnasse"

These events were important because they prevented France from being ruled by an Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories (AMGOT). The French Resistance, the popular uprising, the courage the French soldiers had shown in Italy,North Africa, and the South of France were considered by the allies to be enough to allow the French people to rule themselves.

1 answer