If you have to use a wheel chair and do not want to always be confined to your home or the nearby area where you can wheel yourself or be wheeled, you will need a power wheel chair lift for your vehicle.
Some models of lifts are attached to a hitch on the back of your car or van to carry your wheel chair. Others lift the wheel chair into the trunk of the car or into the back of a van, some with just the push of a button on a hand-held control. There is also a lift that is mounted underneath the vehicle so it is out of sight and does not take up space inside the vehicle nor restrict the view of the driver or passengers. These lifts usually have all-steel strong frames and a powerful hydraulic pump. Some have a back-up manual system. For more security most have hand rails and safety belts.
What will work depends on not only the height and weight of the wheel chair you have but also the make, model, and year of your vehicle to make sure that the combination is workable.
Manual lifts can often be installed by a vehicle owner, but the electrically-powered and hydraulic ones may need drilling into a car trunk or storage area of a van, and/or writing to the car battery, so a reputable auto mechanic is recommended.
Usually these lifts are warranted by the manufacturers, sometimes for five years but many for the life of the lift in case anything goes wrong.
If you are a veteran, check with the Veteran’s Administration to see if they are able to partially fund your lift since Medicare reimbursement is not available. Also, some major automobile manufacturers will reimburse up to $1,000 on the cost of the lift with a newly purchased or leased vehicle.
A power wheel chair lift is a way to be able to travel efficiently, safely, and comfortably.
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There are a number of ways that you can get medicare to pay for the lifts and ramps that you need for your power wheel chair. Call a Medicare counselor for help in filling out the paperwork.
Need a doggie wheel chair,How much do they cost.
You will need a full size van. They can be installed at the rear or side.
As we age we lose flexibility, agility and strength. So getting out of a chair can be a challenge for the elderly. Hence a lift chair aids you in this.
Your power lift chair may be stuck in the up position due to a malfunction in the motor or the wiring. To fix it, you can try resetting the chair by unplugging it for a few minutes and then plugging it back in. If that doesn't work, you may need to contact the manufacturer for further assistance or have a professional repair person look at it.
Yes in most cases the tires will fit any standard wheel chair. I need help with putting heavy duty or wider front wheels on a new manual wheel chair I plan to order
Yes medical insurance will pay for a wheel chair. However, they will only pay for your wheelchair if you have a qualifying medical need for a wheel chair.
No, there are many wheel chair vans available that have a wheelchair with them, although it depends on how modern/deluxe of a wheelchair you need. Most people who rent out wheelchair vans realize that if you only need the van temporarily, then you probably don't have your own permanent wheelchair.
Contact Lake Ozark of Top Gun Transportation, Camden County call 573-365-5151
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