If you mean the disposable razor blade, it was patented by King Camp Gillette. His idea was the first of the "loss leader" model which is still in use today. The idea is to have a popular idea, provide the base product at a loss...but provide the replacement item for the product at a huge profit.
This idea is prevalent with many products today such as razors (of course), hair appliances, and the Barbie doll.
See the related links.
Alfonso Alvarez Blade
razor blade razor blade razor blade bumhole seal
Razor Blade was created in 1923.
Yes, Alfonso Alvarez Blade is the one who invented the burglar alarm in 1911. Blade also holds the patent for the safety razor.
What is another word for razor blade?
A Razor, a lawn mower, and a rollerblade all include a blade. A razor has a blade. A lawnmower has a blade A rollerblade has no actual blade but it has the word blade in its name.
The duration of Razor Blade Smile is 1.7 hours.
King Camp gillette King Camp gillette King Camp gillette
Razor Blade Smile was created on 1998-09-19.
The unit of measure for a razor blade is the micrometer.
Usually twist handle to open