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Q: Where is the largest ball of rubber bands?
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How many rubber bands were there in the world's largest rubber band ball?

The world's largest rubber band ball was made with around 730,000 rubber bands. It was created by Joel Waul in the United States.

Who crated the worlds largest ruber band ball?

John Bain spent 7 years and hours of his life creating the Worlds Largest Rubber Band Ball. His ball is solid to the core rubber bands. Each band was individually stretched around the ball creating a true rubber band ball. Its true!

How many rubber bands are on the largest rubberband ball?

I believe the number is in the 700,000's, if not more.

Where do you go to see the biggest rubber band ball?

It started with just a few rubber bands. But four years, $10,000 and more than 700,000 rubber bands later, South Florida resident Joel Waul has clinched the Guinness World Record for the largest rubber band ball....

What is a rubber band ball?

It is a ball of rubber bands. You wrap more and more on to it.

What is inside a golf ball?

Inside a golf ball can be many things. It could have a rubber ball, with rubber bands, and some have a cork and rubber

Manual needs rubber bands for the newspapers. he delivers 17 newspapers each day. a box of rubber bands last him 9 days.How many rubber bands are in a box?

There are 153 rubber bands in a box (17 newspapers x 9 days = 153 rubber bands).

What kind of a ball is made up of rubber-bands on the inside?

A rubber band ball is made up of multiple rubber bands wrapped around each other to form a ball shape. It is typically used as a stress-relief toy or a desk accessory.

How do you make a rubberband ball?

make a foil ball and put rubber bands around it

How do you start an elastic ball?

grab a bunch of rubber bands and put a rubber band over your fist which has the rubber bands and make it tight to where is isn't going anywhere and keep on putting rubber bands around if you can't do it then look up a youtube video...

Is the inside of a golf-ball rubber bands?

Not anymore. They used to be, but there has been vast improvements in the rubber and thermoplastic elastomer cores meaning elastic bands are not needed. If you cut open a ball circa 2000 or so there will be bands in it, only the top range ones though.

What is the world record for the biggest rubber band ball?

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the world record for the biggest rubber band ball is over eight feet tall and more than 9,400 pounds. The person who created it is Joel Waul.