

What is the word reel plural?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What is the word reel plural?
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Can you give me a sentence with the word reel in it?

i reel in the fish

Can you make me a sentence using the word reel?

He had to reel in the fish. Before they were digitized, movies were film on reels.

What is a example of a sentence that uses the word reel?

I am putting new string on my fishing reel. I want to reel in a big fish today.

Can you use the word reel in a sentence?

Example sentences for the word "reel":We need a good promotion to reel in new customers. (verb)My head began to reel when I saw the repair estimate. (verb)He uses the device to transfer a reel of film to a digital format. (noun)The fiddler played a reel to get the dancers on the floor. (noun)

What is the plural of the word crises?

The word crises is a plural word; it is the plural form of the word crisis.

What is homonym of the word real?

The homonym of the word "real" is "reel." "Real" means genuine or authentic, while "reel" can refer to a cylindrical object around which material, such as film or tape, can be wound.

Can you please use the word reel in a sentence?

The fisherman had to reel in the fish, so he could have it for tea tonight.

How can you form the plural of the word if?

There is no plural word for if.

What is the plural word of the word this?

The plural form for the demonstrative pronoun this is these.

What is a non plural word?

A non-plural word, a word (noun or pronoun) that is not plural is singular, a word for just one.

What is the plural word for delay?

The plural word for delay is delays.