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Q: What is the meaning of a feeling that everything around you is spinning?
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When was Spinning Around created?

Spinning Around was created on 2000-06-13.

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A phrase hard to explain so i ll give you an example like what goes around comes back around

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The Ojidwas religion is based around having respect and giving meaning to everything in the world around them.

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it you that 's spinning

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Earth spinning around the sun, the sun in turn spinning around the milky ways spiral arm which contains it.

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Drunk googles are googles that make you seem drunk. Everything starts spinning around u a little and it just feels like yer drunk!

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ball spinning on its axis- rotation ball spinning around the head- revolution/ orbiting

The spinning of the earth around its axis is called?

The spinning of Earth around its axis is called rotation

Why does the sun have an axis?

Because it is spinning. Everything in the universe (that we know of so far, and we don't expect to find many exceptions) is spinning. Anything that spins is spinning around some "axis" of rotation, often more than one axis of rotation. The Sun is spinning; therefore, it has an axis of rotation. It spins in about 28 days; however, the Sun is not a solid, and the poles spin more slowly than the mid-latitudes and faster near the equator.