No, the rotator muscle does not revolve a limb around an axis. It is responsible for rotating or moving a limb, such as the shoulder or hip, around its own axis.
This can be the deep hip external rotators. It helps the leg to move around in different directions so that you can move more.
The quadratus lumborum is known as the hip hiker muscle because it is the muscle that raises the hip.
Hip abduction is bringing the straightened leg outward.
If you are asking about the largest organ, it's the skin. It accounts for about 15% of total body weight, more than any other organ. If you are asking about the largest muscle, it's the gluteus maximus (buttocks muscle). If you are asking about the largest bone, it's the pelvis (hip bone).
Turning the foot outward is known as external rotation of the hip joint. This movement helps improve the flexibility of the hip joint and can be beneficial in activities such as yoga, dancing, and various sports. It also helps in preventing tightness in the hip flexors and improving overall hip mobility.
One effective joint action for the piriformis muscle is external rotation of the hip joint. This means that when the piriformis contracts, it helps in rotating the thigh bone outward at the hip joint.
The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the human body and is responsible for hip extension and external rotation.
By strengthening the external hip rotator muscles you align your pelvis and your knees. The primary muscles involved are the piriformis, quadratus femoris, internal & external obturators, and superior & inferior gemellus
hip flexion and hip extention
The name of the muscle is gluteus maximus. This muscle gives shape to your hip.