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Q: What is the clinical significance of rouleaux formation?
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What causes rouleaux formation?

The red blood cells stack up like coins.

How is rouleaux formation differentiated from true agglutination?

Rouleaux formation is the stacking of red blood cells like a roll of coins, often seen in conditions like multiple myeloma. True agglutination is the clumping of red blood cells due to antibody-antigen interaction, such as in blood typing reactions. The key difference is that rouleaux formation involves cells stacking on top of each other, whereas true agglutination involves cells clumping together.

What is mean by RBC's form rouleaux?

Rouleaux refers to the stacking of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in human blood. Rouleaux formation is enhanced in the presence of increased plasma proteins, leading to an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

What medical conditions are related to rouleaux formation of the red blood cells?

Multiple Myeloma

What is rouleaux formation?

Rouleaux formation occurs when red blood cells form rolls or stacks. If not due to an artifact, such as a result of not preparing the blood smear soon enough after placing the blood on the slide, it may be due to the presence of high concentrations of abnormal globulins or fibrinogen. This formation is found in multiple myeloma and macroglobulinemia.

Why rouleaux formation does not occur in vivo?

Rouleaux formation, which is the stacking of red blood cells, does not typically occur in vivo due to the flow dynamics in blood vessels. The force of blood flow helps to separate and prevent red blood cells from sticking together. Additionally, the presence of plasma proteins like albumin helps to maintain the cells in a dispersed state.

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What is the clinical significance of calcification?

Calcification can indicate various pathological processes such as atherosclerosis in blood vessels, calcified nodules in the thyroid gland, or calcified lesions in the brain, which can be associated with diseases such as Alzheimer's. It can also be seen in benign or malignant tumors, affecting diagnosis, staging, and treatment planning for patients. Additionally, in bones, calcification plays a role in conditions like osteoporosis or arthritis, impacting bone strength and joint health.

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koi to do iska answer

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Cortical thickening on the femur refers to the increased density or thickness of the outer layer of bone in the thigh bone. This can be a result of conditions like osteopetrosis, chronic overload from physical activity, or healing response to stress fractures or other injuries. It can be seen on imaging studies like X-rays or CT scans.

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look for a paper being published in "The Oncologist" later this year (2008)

What is its significance in the formation of political structure?

You need to specify what is significant.