

What are the rules of juggling?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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These instructions will teach you exercises so you can juggle 3 balls. The first few exercises are not complete juggling patterns, but are exercises that will teach you to juggle.

One Ball Exercise: Start with one ball. Throw the ball in an arc from hand to hand about eye level. The pattern will be an arc, not a circle.

Two Ball Exercise:Start with one ball in each hand. First toss the ball in your right hand (1) in the arc to about eye level to your left hand. When this ball (1) reaches the highest point in it's arc . . .

throw ball (2) in an arc from your left hand to your right. Catch (1) in your left hand, Then catch (2) in your right hand. Stop.

Do this same exercise, except start with your left hand instead of your right. Practice until you can do this smoothly.

Common mistakes include throwing two balls in a circle, or throwing both balls at the same time.

Juggling 3 Balls: Start with 2 balls in one hand (1&3) (in this case the right hand, but if you are a lefty, use your left hand) and one ball (2) in the other. Start by throwing the ball in the front of your right hand in an arc to your left hand.

When ball (1) reaches its highest point, throw the ball in your left hand (2) in an arc to your right hand. Catch (1) in your left hand. This is like the two ball exercise. When the ball thrown to your right hand reaches its height . . .

Throw the ball from your right hand (3) in an arc to your left hand. Catch (2) in your right hand. This move can be difficult. It is often helpful to roll the ball (3) in your right hand to the front of your hand with a slight downward motion of the hand before you throw it.

When that ball (3) reaches its highest point, throw the ball in your left hand (1) in an arc to your right hand. Catch (3) in your left hand. And so on . . .

Problems and Solutions:

  • I move forward as I juggle.

    This is a common problem. Stand in front of a wall, or a bed to keep you from moving forward.

  • I can't throw ball number (3), I just catch ball number (2).

    Concentrate on throwing ball number (3). Do not even try to catch ball (2).

  • The balls keep hitting/there isn't time for to make the throws.

    Concentrate on making your throws an even height at eye level.

The Half shower: Instead of having the balls cross in the standard 3 ball pattern, throw a ball from the right hand over the rest of the pattern. When it comes down, continue juggling. Do this for a throw or every throw; from either hand, or both hands.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

When you are to do juggling, there are really no rules. Just start with 2 balls or objects of your choice ( non- breakable things unless told to ) and start juggling. How to get more objects in your juggling circle is a totally different question to ask.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

I, David Slick, juggled 3 balls for 12 hours and 5 minutes. It is the current Guinness World Record (2009). Browse my website for proof.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Well having hands is very important...the more the better. Another important thing is eyes as they help you focus on each ball. Finally practise makes perfect.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Toss, bounce and contact juggling.

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The Encyclopædia of Ball Juggling was created in 1994.

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Kene Lewis has: Played Kene Lewis in "Juggling for Freedom" in 2009. Performed in "Juggling: A Tribute to African-American, Asian-American, European-American, Jewish-American, Latino-American, Native-American and Women-American History" in 2010. Performed in "Black Women History: A Juggling Tribute - An Educational Film" in 2010. Played Juggler in "Anti-Semitism: A Juggling View" in 2011. Performed in "Prescription Drug Dangers: A Juggling View" in 2011. Played Juggler in "Anger: A Juggling View" in 2011. Played Juggler in "Prostate Cancer: A Juggling View" in 2011. Played Juggler in "Japanese-American Internment: A Juggling View" in 2011. Played Juggler in "World Poverty: A Juggling View" in 2011. Played Juggler in "Dogs: A Juggling Tribute" in 2011. Performed in "Homophobia: A Juggling View" in 2011. Played Juggler in "September 11th: A Juggling View" in 2011. Performed in "Gambling Addiction: A Juggling View" in 2011. Played Juggler in "African American Unemployment: A Juggling View" in 2011. Performed in "Abortion: A Juggling View" in 2011.

How do you spell juggling?

That is the correct spelling of "juggling" (tossing multiple items into the air cyclically).

What is the best types of juggling ball?

The most common balls used for juggling are lacrosse balls.

How many people have died from juggling?

the people that were juggling chainsaws or machetes and slipped on a puddle. ouch.

From where could contact juggling balls be purchased from?

You can buy contact juggling balls from Amazon. You could also buy them from the juggling store. You can go to your nearest store to get them. There are many different sizes.

Is juggling club set available in any shop in India?

Call if you wanna juggling clubs .9884891820