

Is carousels a verb

Updated: 9/25/2023
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8y ago

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No, it is a plural noun. The word carousel is usually synonymous with merry-go-round.

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Q: Is carousels a verb
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Related questions

Why do carousels have horses?

Tradition. Many carousels have a variety of animals , and some have big high-backed benches like thrones.

Where are famous carousels?

Little Rock, Ark

How are carousels important to theme parks?

they provide entertainment

When did carousels become popular?

they became bloody popular I 1895

What is a merry go round called?

They are also known as "carousels."

Did carousels become popular?

they became bloody popular I 1895

What types of animals are usually featured on fairground carousels?

Horses are usually the animals featured on fairground carousels. There might also be fictional animals of a similar nature such as unicorns but they are animals one can ride.

How long have carousels been around?

There is evidence that an early form of the carousel existed in Europe in the 12th century, although the version we are familiar with (the merry-go-round, with painted ponies and music) didn't become popular in the United States till the 1870s. The early carousels were powered by a mule or a horse. Later, carousels used steam power and then electricity.

Who managed and discovered betty Jackson and carousels?

my name is mickey francis,formerly with the valentines doo wop group. I discovered betty jackson and the carousels in 1961, took them to george goldner at rama,gone,end records. He liked them wanted to call them the serenators, i said no and called them the carousels,I also wrote if you want to. I also discoved gladys caine, please mr. d.j. thank you

What is a baggage claim?

A baggage claim is a designated location for receiving checked luggage such as the baggage carousels at an airport.

What is a baggage reclaim?

A baggage reclaim is a designated location for receiving checked luggage such as the baggage carousels at an airport.

Why is this website so shite?

Because it's designed by over excited code monkeys who think carousels are cool in any context. Muppets!