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I believe it's because Italians kept their tradition alive. There are no other cuisines which has so ancient traditions. The history of Italian food shows also Italian customs through times.

It's known when spaghetti was first done (in Naples) and how pasta was invented (it was like bread with no yeast); how many other cuisines know the origins of their main dishes?

Ana Maria da Costa

<a href="">All About Italian Food</a>

I've never heard of Italian cooking being the "Mother cuisine". Old it may certainly be but there are older. I have heard of a style of Italian cooking which is traditional and homely, much appreciated by Italians all over the world called "la cucina di mama " which sounds like the mother cuisine but simply means "mom's cooking " or otherwise home cooking.

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14y ago

La cucina madre is an Italian equivalent of 'mother cuisine'. The feminine definite article 'la' means 'the'. The feminine noun 'cucina' means 'kitchen, cuisine, cooking'. The feminine noun 'madre' means 'mother'. All together, they're pronounced 'lah koo-CHEE-nah MAH-dreh'.

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There are different types of Cuisines it depends on the chef. You can normally count on a noodles (a lot of times filled with cheese) and Alfredo as a base.

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