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Burgers shrink do to evaporation and other reactions caused when you cook ground beef. To prevent this from happening just add some bread crumbs and an egg or two depending on the size of the serving. The previous answer was so stupid I had to improve it.

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11y ago

Meat has water andwhen heated (as you can probably realise) it loses moisture which is why it shrinks because the water evaporates, I think that the fat goes away when it is heated also.

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alot ov burgers such as sausage burgers, chicken burgers cheese burgers and much mre hav a nice tym wiv ur burgers lem!!!!!!!!

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burgers, burgers and burgers :)

Are burgers burgers?

Yes. Yes they are.

Does salt shrink your meat when you cook it?

Meats lose liquid as they cook, and will shrink to some extent whether salt is added or not. Using a lot of salt, especially when boiling or braising, can draw too much juice from meat and so dry it out too much. But a sprinkling of salt on the surface of burgers or steaks won't cause more shrinking.

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The future tense of "shrink" is "will shrink."

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Many people say that burgers are from USA.

When was Barmy Burgers created?

Barmy Burgers was created in 1983.

When was Nasty Burgers created?

Nasty Burgers was created in 1993.

When was Don Burgers born?

Don Burgers was born in 1932.

When did Don Burgers die?

Don Burgers died in 2006.

When was Crown Burgers created?

Crown Burgers was created in 1978.