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Probably, not losing their heads.

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Q: Why did the British do better than the French in the French Revolution?
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That they could create a better French society and government than existed under the Monarchy.

Why did native Americans have a better relationship with the French than British?

Because while the British were trying take the Natives out the French were bonding or making trades and setting up trade post with them and were very friendly so they got along better than the British did.

What caused Europe to develope better methods of living faster than other continents?

The enlightenment and the British industrial revolution.

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because i they were clever

Why did the American revolution succseed while others failed?

It had better leadership and foreign aid from France. they also knew their own land better than the British did.

Why did the Americans Indians trust the French more than British?

they liked the french and not the British because the French respected their land and their ways while the British tried to take their land overthe French also traded furs with them and things that they could not find in the Americas

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What are Four reasons the french revolution ended so differently than the American Revolution?

i got 1 french help Americans i American revolution but they didnt exit back when the french revolution was going on so they couldn't help

What was the declared emphasis of the Revolution?

assuming you are referring to the French revolution than the answer is "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity"

Why were people killed in the French Revolution?

The stated reason was to preserve and protect the French Revolution from being overthrown by Royalists and moderates.

Is Belivoir Terrace a better camp than French Woods?

No, French woods is better.

Is french better than German?

Nothing is better.