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"Pizza Hut" did not actually close alot of locations. Most locales were owend by a frachisee and when those franchisee's cant pay their bills "they" close the doors. Pizza Hut has been buying out Franchisee's accross the country bailing them out of backruptcy so the stores do not close. Making the stores corp owned. corp owned stores usually do not close, sometimes relocate though.

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Q: Why did Pizza Hut close a lot of their locations?
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Does Pizza Hut have?

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Does Pizza Hut have GMO?

From the little Research I did...YES..Pizza Hut has a LOT of GMO Things in It!

Is there a Pizza Hut in India?

Yes there are a lot of pizza hut branches in India! Go to the nearest city.

are there any good pizza hut coupons online?

Yes there are a lot of good pizza hut coupons online. You could go to the pizza hut website online to find coupons. The website will be the main place where coupons are offered.

How many calories does Pizza Hut have?

A lot. Silk Stockings is the best.

Why is Pizza Hut Pizza so bad?

A lot of food chains such as Pizza Hut are using a lot of fats in their dough formula to keep it soft and moist as opposed to a traditional Italian pizza. Many pizza places are using hydrogenated and trans fats which is very unhealthy. Quality "fresh" ingredients equals a healthy product. for an Italian pizza making recipe check out: Neapolitan pizza does not use fats in the dough, a little olive oil is optional. artigiano

How much pepperoni does Pizza Hut use in a year?

50 Million pounds. That's a lot!

Where can one purchase Villa pizzas?

There are a lot of pizza locations with the word "villa" in the business name, such as Pizza Villa, Villa pizza, and Villa Francesca just to name a few.

Is eating jalapenos bad for kids?

i shouldn't think so; they serve them on a lot of grub at Pizza Hut which is aimed at families. So long as they don't choke.

Where do you get animal pencil toppers?

u can get them at round table. You can also get them form pizza hut, the internet, Lolita's, some Taco Bells, some Mountain Mike Pizzas, a lot of the pizza store (that are famous), and much more.

How manys Pizza Huts is there worldwide?

According to blurb at the bottom of their press releases:Pizza Hut began 50 years ago in Wichita, Kansas and today operates nearly 10,000 restaurants in more than 90 countries.See related link for source. So they sell more than 2500 pizza a yearWikipedia says there are "approximately 34,001 restaurants, delivery/carry-out locations, and kiosks in 100 countries."Seen on:pizza-hut

What is Pizza Hut s number?

Every 2 weeks on Thursday night after midnight, the week starts and ends on Tuesday every 2 weeks. So the 2 weeks you worked ends on Tuesday and you get direct deposit that Thursday night after midnight.