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Q: Where is lamington located?
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When was Lamington Bridge created?

Lamington Bridge was created in 1896.

In which state is the magnificent Mount Lamington National Park?

Lamington National Park is in Queensland, Australia.

Why is lord lamingtons last name lamington?

It actually isn't, the name comes from the Baroncy of Lamington, which itself is named for a town called Lamington.

What is a lamington cake?

A lamington is a sponge cake, coated with a layer of chocolate icing, and sprinkled all over with desiccated coconut.

When was Lamington National Park created?

Lamington National Park was created in 1915-07.

In which state is the Mount Lamington National Park?

In wich state is the magnificent mount lamington national park

Where is the Bedminster-Far Hills in Bedminster located?

The address of the Bedminster-Far Hills is: 2336 Lamington Road, Bedminster, 07931 0082

What type of volcano is mount lamington?

Mount Lamington is a stratovolcano, known for its steep-sided cone and explosive eruptions. It is located in Papua New Guinea and last erupted in 1951, causing significant damage and loss of life.

Why are lamingtons Aussie?

Because they were first made in Australia for a lord Lamington in Queensland there are different storie about how they first came about but they were first made for lord Lamington after which the word got out and they soon became very popular.

In which state is mount lamington park?

It is in Queensland

What language does 'lamington' come from?

The term "lamington" comes from the English language. It is a type of dessert that consists of squares of sponge cake coated in chocolate and desiccated coconut, named after Lord Lamington, who served as Governor of Queensland, Australia in the late 19th century.

What is some information about lamingtons?

Lamingtons are small square-shaped sponge cakes dipped in melted chocolate and rolled in coconut. The lamington is named after Charles Wallace Baillie, Lord Lamington, who was the governor of Queensland from 1895 to 1901. You can find more information on the history of the lamington at the link below.