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You could ask the manager at a McDonald's store if you could buy some. If one manager tells you no, you could ask at another store.

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Q: Where can you buy McDonald's coffee cream if you are diabetic and it is the only cream that does not raise your sugar?
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Usually oxycodone has no effect on sugars. Stress from surgery or pain can raise sugars.

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I say the best recipe is 2 coffee, 1 milk, and 2 sugar. For me the customers liked 2.8 coffee, 2 milk, 2.6 sugar. I sell it at 3.50. But they wont buy it at first you need to raise reputation by good coffee cheap prices then gradually raise it.

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Ammonia would raise pH the most, as it is a basic substance. Vinegar, coffee, and lemon juice are acidic substances, which would lower pH levels when added.

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drinkin coffee and staying hot is the most effective way

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Sometimes when a diabetic is expierencing low blood sugar they will sweat profundly. The easiest and quickest way to raise the diabetics bloody sugar is to give them orange juice.

How coffee effects your heart rate?

Coffee contains caffeine - which is a stimulant. Stimulants raise the heart-rate.

How many calories are in black coffee?

Essentially none. Figures vary but are mostly 10 or less, so realistically, not significantly more than a cup of hot water (and less than a cup of hot water with a single teaspoon of sugar added to it).

Why might Brazilian coffee at your local supermarket cost more?

Brazilian coffee might have a price raise in the local super market because it might be high on demand.

How does coffee raise the body's temperature?

Yes, it does but not rapidly, of course a warm drink would increase body temperature. its almost like pouring warm water on your arm.