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*The House was conceived in the mid 70's.

My son was diagnosed with ALL in 1972, at that time all treatments were experimental 6 different protocols were used and all children were randomly put in one of the 6. The parents were asked not to discuss the treatments with other parents, the thinking was the parent might ask to have their child put in another group that seemed to do better. I saw a few of the mothers in the hospital cafeteria and started conversations with them, since we were discouraged from comparing treatments at the hospital I invited them to my house for coffee. We regularly met for coffee and the number of moms got to be about 7, we did start comparing treatments and the effects of the drugs, after severalsimilar drug complaints the doctors would finally agree with us, before that they would say things like "that drug doesn't cause nausea" or whatever.

When we were in the hospital with the children our group was our support, we supported each other in ways no one could, when one of the children died we where there. After a while the doctors and nurses realized that we were a great help to them and more for us.

So Dr. Stuart Seigel started a quest for more support and when things are a good idea the Universe does the rest.

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Ronald McDonald House Charities was created in 1974.

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in 1974

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The Make-A-Wish Foundation and Ronald McDonald House Charities are both local charities aimed at helping children. Both help sick children--Make-A-Wish by granting once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to extremely sick children, and the Ronald McDonald House helps the families of sick children have affordable housing while their child receives treatment.

Which charity runs and manages Ronald McDonald Family Rooms in hospitals?

The Ronald McDonald Family Rooms located in hospitals are run and managed by the Ronald McDonald House Charities organization. It has been around for 39 years and provides ~7 million families a year with help to keep their children happy and healthy.

Does McDonald practice philanthropy?

Yes! The Ronald McDonald House Charities are charitable organization set up to help families with sick children. The Houses themselves are available close to nearby hospitals, where the parents of sick children can stay the night. This helps because it takes the financial cost of finding a hotel away from the parents, and is more comfortable than sleeping in the hospital. Currently there are Ronald McDonald Houses in more than 50 countries. Other charitable organizations also take donations in the name of Ronald McDonald House Charities.

What are some charities that accept donations for used cars?

The YMCA, YWCA, Ronald McDonald House, Boat U.S. Foundation, the North American Blue Bird Society and Goodwill are some charities that accept donations for used cars.

What does the Ronald McDonald house do?

it is a charity for kids

What does Ronald McDonald house do?

it is a charity for kids

Does India have a Ronald McDonald House?

No india does not have mcdonalds

When did the Ronald Mcdonald House open?

it was est. in 1984