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There are SO many different "Spanish" foods in North America. To the South of North America are all of the "Spanish" countries.

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Q: What spanish food is eaten in north America?
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What food is eaten in north America?

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A Nopal it is only eaten in Mexico only

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What Foods people eat in North America?

North America is a very large continent. The really is no "standard" diet for North Americans as availability of food is limited only by income, not choice. For the most part seasons do not matter any longer and consumers can find just about anything in stores all year round. There are many different kinds of restaurants in N.A. You are not limited to only a few choices.

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North America is known for its many different cultures and food.

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Probably a fast food hamburger and fries...

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Hamburgers, hotdogs, steak and corn on the cob.

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