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Horse meat is simply horse meat; it is not any other "kind" of meat. It can be described as "red" meat, like beef, as opposed to chicken, that is called "white" meat. Horse meat is generally regarded as unfit for human consumption in the United States because unlike bovines, pigs, sheep and goats, horses are considered companion animals, much like dogs and cats.

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Q: What kind of meat is horse?
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meat havent u ever heard of hores meat i am only seven and i know that

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Can a black lab eat horse meat?

No, Dogs should not eat horse meat of any kind due to the chemicals used to treat the horses for worms and other things such as illnesses. The chemicals do not go away when the horse dies and can kill other animals such as dogs.

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Horse meat.

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Most of them that you buy at the grocery store do not contain horse meat. You can get them specially made with horse meat but not all of them do.

Do Germans eat horse meat?

i am German and no normally we don't eat horse meat. in special shops you can get horse meat but most people hate the ones eating horse meat. its also very less and expensive.

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To determine if a certain meat really is horse meat or something else.

Can you give your horse red meat?

Horses do not eat meat, so no, you should not feed your horse red meat.