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Contact their corp. head quarters and see if they will provide this information.

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Q: What kind of liability insurance Dunkin' Donuts uses?
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What kind of support dunkin donut extends to its franchisees?

Dunkin' Donuts extends a lot of support to its franchisees. They have marketing support as well as training support.

What kind of shoes do donuts wear?

you got the question backwards...America runs on Dunkin. Not the other way around

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A property is not a contract or a business. A liability insurance policy is a kind of contract but not a business. the answer is b...

Is liability insurance the only insurance available for contractors?

The answer to this question is no. There are lots of liability insurance available for contractors. It is depends on what kind of insurance the contractors wants to purchase.

What kind of liability insurance is needed?

That depends on what your trying to insure against. There are many types of liability insurance in the market place.

What kind of liability insurance does a private fitness instructor need?

Your need Professional Liability

What kind of liability insurance does a nurse staffing agency need?

A commerical liability policy.

What is liability loss?

any kind of insurance loss

What kind of coverage is required under compulsory insurance laws?

Liability insurance

What kind of special events would require someone to get liability insurance?

There are many reasons to get liability insurance. All states within the United States require at least liability insurance to drive an automobile. Those in medical professions also get a liability insurance called malpractice insurance.

The coverage included in an automobile insurance policy that covers property damage is what kind of insurance?

Liability Insurance

What kind of insurance do you need for tree work?

General Liability.