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Starbucks offers the following coffee travel mugs: double wall ceramic traveler, stainless steel tumbler, Tazo Rococo tumbler, and stainless steel desktop tumbler. There are several more available.

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Q: What kind of coffee tavel mugs does Starbucks offer?
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Black Coffee, NO Creamer, NO sugar. Just plain BLACK coffee. (:

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In general Starbucks and other premium coffees are made of Arabica beans. However they sell all types of coffees and some of these are made of different beans. Most premium coffee is either Arabica or Robusta.

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I'm a scientist and I had Starbucks coffee and I analysed it and it came up with a massive 567mg of sodium and that's just in one regular cup imagine how much there could be in a large cup I will try a large and analyse and let everyone know

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