The Latin name, or Scientific name for cassava is Manihot esculenta.
The scientific name for cassava is Manihot esculenta. It is a perennial woody shrub that is native to South America and is widely cultivated for its starchy tuberous roots.
The accepted scientific name is Erinnyis alope.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Manihot esculenta.
Manioc is the common name of cassava.
cassava is cool
Cassava products are the products produced from cassava, a kind of tuber, which is a staple in some African countries. Most Asian countries also use these products. The common products from cassava are cassava paste (steamed or unsteamed), cassava chips and flour, cassava granules (steamed or toasted), and the fresh roots of cassava. Other products produced from cassava are casava breads,alcohol,starch,pudding etc.
mhogo (cassava)
The Caribs made cassava beer by chewing the cassava in their mouth and then spits it out to get it rich.
The density of cassava or cassava chips can vary depending on factors such as moisture content and processing methods. On average, the density of cassava is approximately 1.2 g/cm3. Cassava chips, which are dried and processed slices of cassava, may have a slightly higher density due to the removal of moisture during the drying process.
Cassava Porridge ---- Cassava is a root vegetable.
Kwashiorkor is caused by a deficiency of protein. The scientific response to eat is to feed the child protein-rich foods; the traditional response is to feed the child other foods, such as cassava.