Mandioca is another name for "Cassava" which is a shrub root, similar to a potato. It is boiled and served alongside other courses, like Sopa Paraguaya and Asado.
this is a picture of mandioca...Manioc, also known as yuca or cassava in Central America and the U.S., is a white starchy tuber with a delicate taste (many people I know say that fried manioc beats French fries anytime). It has been a staple of the Brazilian Indians' diet for centuries, and it is from their language, Tupi, that we have the names mandioca (madi'og) in Southern Brazil and aipim(ai'pi) in Rio de Janeiro for the root and tapioca (tipi'og) for its starch.
Brazilian Food
I'm Brazilian and we love Churasco. It is a Brazilian B-B-Q.
Go to google Click on "image" & type in Brazilian foods.
learn how to cook Brazilian food. go to Brazil and learn from the experts.
hobgoblin uterus
It is a producer because it is a palnt
"Brazilian" is not a language, however Brazilians speak Portuguese. You say "Alimento"