It's called the Hamburger University. At first it was located in the basement of a McDonald's restaurant in 1961 in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. Now it is located in Oak Brook, Illinois.
McDonalds is famous for it's management program, Hamburger University. It offers paid training that can also transfer to university credit.
It is located in Orlando, Florida
The McDonalds in Chongqing is located at 177 Bayi Road in the Yuzhong prefecture. The next closes McDonalds is in Beicheng.
i believe its in burnaby but not to sure
The first McDonalds was located in St. Barnido CA
yeah u can work at mcdonalds
The McDonalds in Stuttgart, Arkansas is located on 22nd St. It is across the street from Kinder Harris & Co. Also located next to Mayflower Food Stores.
The McDonalds headquarters is in America. The McDonalds Plaza is located in Oak Brook Illinois, McDonalds moved into the Oak Brook facility in 1971, from an office within the Chicago loop.
Gomal university is located in Pakistan.
Oklahoma Wesleyan University is located in the state of Oklahoma.
Regis University is located in the state of Colorado.