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Regarder means to look at. Je regarde Marie qui a prise une tarte (I am looking at Marie who took a pie). It is different from voir- to see. Voir is usually used for a film or movie (eg. je vois un film).

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Q: What does the French word regarder mean?
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What is the French word for to look at?

The French word for "to look at" is "regarder."

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In French, Regarder is the infinitive verb for "to look" or "to watch", as in "Regarder la finêtre (Look/Watch the window)".

What is the meaning of the french word regard?

Regarder means "to watch"

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The word "gaze" in French can be translated as "regard".

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Montre (for the noun "wristwatch") Regarder (for the verb "to watch")

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j'aime regarder Bob l'éponge

How do you say to watch in French?

To watch is 'regarder' in French.

What does the French sentence regarder passer un examen mean?

'passer un examen' means 'to take / to sit an exam' in English. (That doesn't mean that you actually pass it). Regarder is 'to watch, to look at', so regarder passer un examen means 'to look at [someone] taking an exam'

How do you say can watch in french?

Can I watch? Puis-je regarder? I can watch. Je peux regarder.