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Its a closed, rounded shell, with an opening that if you hold to your ear, myth says you can hear the sea! :o)

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Q: What does a conch look like?
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Related questions

What lives in conch shells?

conchs live in conch hints conch shells they look like snail everyone knows the shell but nobody knows the animal

What is the difference between a male and female conch?

If you look at the diagram for the conch, the male conch has a verge (penis) when the female don't. Also the male conch shell is usually larger then the female.

Who to contact at Conch Cement for international sales I'd like to buy cement from them?

i have direct contacts in conch cement company. i have direct contacts in conch cement company.

What is a conch predator?

A conch predator is a species that preys on conch, a type of marine snail. Common predators of conch include crabs, octopuses, stingrays, and some species of fish like groupers. These predators play a crucial role in controlling conch populations and maintaining balance in the marine ecosystem.

What phylum do conch belong to?

Conch belong to the phylum Mollusca, which also includes other marine creatures like snails, clams, and squid.

Does conch have mercury?

Yes, conch can contain mercury as it is a predatory species that can accumulate environmental toxins like mercury in its flesh. It is advised to consume conch in moderation to avoid excessive mercury intake.

What does it mean if the conch is present?

The conch often symbolizes order and authority in some cultures. Its presence can imply leadership or the calling of a meeting or gathering in situations like the blowing of a conch shell to assemble people.

Is a conch a crustacean?

No, a conch is not a crustacean. Conchs are mollusks, specifically gastropods, not crustaceans. They are characterized by their spiral shells and belong to the family Strombidae.

What are special dishes in the Bahamas?

There are lots of dishes, like: Conch salad/fritters Crack conch Crab Salad Plantain and lots more !

Is a conch edible?

A conch eats minute particles that are often predominantly found in sand.

What does the conch sound like in the lord of the flies?

A conch shell when blown produces a very loud booming blast, a little like blowing one note very loudly on a trumpet.

What is the pissle of a conch?

The "pissle" of a conch (shell) is actually called a siphonal canal, which is a long tube-like structure extending from the main opening of the shell. It helps to facilitate the flow of water in and out of the conch for respiration and feeding purposes.