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ok that is a racist question because you know it is not just Mexico that eats tacos .

i eat tacos and i am in South Dakota

but if you have to know the answer is :

you can find tacos in just about everyware in Mexico but there are many different 'styles' of tacos so to speak

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13y ago

In Mexico you can get tacos for breakfast lunch and dinner. There is no way to know how many are eaten in any particular time.

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Are tacos better in Mexico?

South-Central Mexico is the region where tacos were first created by the Aztec people some 700 years ago. When Spain conquered Mexico, some ingredients changed, but tacos have kept most of the original recipe: corn or wheat tortillas wrapped around a meat stew.It is worth noting tacos served on food chains outside of Mexico have nothing to do with the original dish: the hard shell used in chains like Taco Bell are commonly known as "tostadas" in Mexico.

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You mean nopal salad? Most meals with tacos de guisado(stew tacos) also include these as an alternative for vegetarians, and as side dish.

What kinds of food are there in mexico?

tacos, rice, ice cream, pinos, candy, chicken, stew, soda, most of the things we have are found in mexico

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Jake T Austin has never mentioned in interviews that he eats from a particular diet. He most likely eats normal things such as chicken, tacos, and pizza.

What is the most popular foodin Mexico?

Tamales, quesadillas and tacos are some of the most popular throughout Mexico. These however, are not the only foods eaten by the population. See related questions for a broader explanation.

What are the farm animals in Mexico's farm?

most common animals are, Cows, Chicken, Goats, and Pigs.

Why are tacos important in Mexico?

Tacos are one of the most widely appreciated and representative foods of Old Mexico. They are important because they are a staple of the diet for millions of Mexicans. They are likewise important because a taco is now head of state of Mexico, and there are three tacos currently serving with some distinction in the chambers of the Mexican Congress.

What is the most common food found in Mexico?

I am not quite sure about the MOST common, but however I belive, in Mexico, Tacos are pretty common.I do belive that in Mexican restraunts they serve Chili Sauce on the side, Mexico is known for the spicy food!Good Luck!Also, there are BURRITOS!!!

What food does Mexico have imported to them?

They brought tacos, burritos, quesadillas, and most of what 75% of America is eating now-a-days.