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The rules and regulations to followed by employees can be found in the employee handbook provided by the company.

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Q: What are the rules to be followed by an employee working at Jollibee?
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What are reasons and benefits of implementation of payroll?

If you have people working for you that can be classified as employees by the IRS then you MUST implement payroll. You have no choice. The employer or the employee cannot choice whether someone is an employee or an independent contractor. There are strict rules that must be followed to determined a person's status.

reflects the working conditions of the first factory workers in America?

They worked longer hours and followed rules made by others.

What is an ideal employee?

A quality employee is one who obeys their employers rules and does their best to complete all of the job duties they were assigned. They will also talk good about their employer.

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it depends on the hotel and employee rules

If an employer has an employee sign a working condition contract shouldn't all the employees be required to sign the same rules contract Does the 14th amendment to the constitution apply?

Regardless of the working condition contract, all employers must comply with OSHA regulations. And contracts may differ depending on the position of the employee.

What is an employee handbook?

An employee handbook is very useful for every employee. Company staff gets any information from the employee handbook. This book is a great way to understand the company rules and regulations. Employees get more information about the company and working also.

Can an employee be a contractor for the same employer outside of his normal working hours?

It would be a rare employer that does not have rules against it. However, as a contractor, you can independently state your hours and how you do your work.

Why do you think monks followed such stricts rules?

Because the rules were intended to help them live as good Christians

Can you give a sample of a warning letter for the employee taking long breaks?

Are the rules for breaks spelled out or posted so that the parameters of breaks are clear to all employees? If not, that is step one. You can't blame an employee for abuse of rules if the rules are not clear for everyone. Before writing a warning letter, the employee should have been advised verbally that he/she was breaking rules or guidelines. Then a note should be made in the employee's file of the date that he/she was advised. Only then should a warning letter be written. The letter will include the rule or guidelines for breaks and the event that you spoke to the employee. The letter should also include the result of not following the rules or guidelines. Example: The rules for personal breaks are clearly stated (during training, in the employee handbook, on the employee bulletin board, or whatever is applicable). On (day, date) I spoke to you about following the rule (guideline) for breaks. This is to let you know that I find that you are still abusing your break time. If these rules (guidelines) are not followed, the result will be (state the consequences). Everyone involved in the operation of (name the business) will appreciate your cooperation. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to discuss this with me. Thank you.

What standard rules are followed by the boxers?

boxers adhere to 'the Queensbury rules'

Was there an employee who was great in following safety rules?

Yes there was.

Can i fire an employee who does not follow the rules?

yes, yes you can.