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They look like colorful large single story apartments.

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Q: What are Houses in Venezuela like?
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What do houses in Venezuela look like?

They look like large and colorful one story apartment buildings.

What does 'Venezuela' mean in English?

It derives from the time the zone was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci... looking at the houses built at the water (or on it?) they called it "little Venice", Venezuela. Venezuela comes from Sanskrit's Vanozwala meaning the land with shining or beautiful forests and park-like settings for which the country is known for.

Why do people like Venezuela?

People like Venezuela because of its sites.

What is Venezuela costume?

The Venezuela National Costume is nothing, they like to run naked around the town. They like the breeze and are bushy.

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What is Venezuela national costume?

The Venezuela National Costume is nothing, they like to run naked around the town. They like the breeze and are bushy.

Which South American country was named after the Italian city of Venice?

Venezuela was named after Venice by its explorer Amerigo Vespucci, who thought the indigenous stilt houses on Lake Maracaibo resembled the canals of Venice.

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Does Egypt have rich looking houses?

yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!

What is venezuela's government like?

good lol

What was Venezuela named for?

Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci named the region Venezuela, meaning Little Venice, in 1499. He had seen houses built on stilts along a lakeshore and saw the similarity to the Italian city of Venice. Venezuela comes from local language which was Sanskrit (or derived from Sanskrit) before Spanish conquest. Vanozwala in Sanskrit means a land with shining or beautiful forests and park-like settings for which the country is famous for! This can not be a coincidence!