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united France and extended its boundaries.

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Q: Under the rule of Hugh Capet and his heirs the French monarchy?
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Related questions

What did Hugh Capet and his heirs accomplish in France?

They were the leaders of the Bourbon Dynasty and the Kings of France.

How long does a monarchy remain in power?

As long as the king or queen are alive and there are heirs.

Who get letters when a will goes into probate?

The executor will get a Letter of Authority from the court. The heirs should receive a letter indicating that they are listed in the will or are heirs under the laws of intestacy.

How much money did Mark Rothko s heirs and family eventually receive?

French poodle

Which family name ruled the southern french kingdom of Navarre?

At first it was the family of Aritza or Arista, but in ended in tragedy because of a treachery. The heirs of the kings of navarre are also the legitime heirs to the throne of France too...

Who is the heir in Shakespeare's will?

The main heirs under Shakespeare's will were his daughter Susanna and her husband Dr. Hall.

Do the remains of the deceased become part of the estate or should they be turned over to the heirs?

Unless there are instructions in the will they should be turned over to the heirs-at-law and next-of-kin. (Who would take them under the "estate" anyway.)

Why is there no current Duke of Suffolk?

The line became extinct after the 3rd creation because no male heirs were produced and the monarchy did not reward the title to anyone else. However the title of Earl of Suffolk still exists.

What part of speech is heirs?

"Heirs" is a noun.

How do you spell donphin?

The word dolphin is a fish, or another name for a porpoise.(The French word for dolphin, dauphin, was applied to heirs apparent to the throne.)

Your dad is in debt will it be transferred to his oldest son when he dies?

No. Debts of one person are never inherited by heirs or beneficiaries under a will

What is escheatment?

Historically, under feudal law when a land tenant died without heirs the land would escheat back to the lord. Today when a person dies with no heirs their property escheats to the state. If a legitimate heir comes forward later with proof of their relationship they can claim the property. The state has no interest in taking property from rightful heirs.