1,010 calories; 70 grams of fat; 1,800 mgs of sodium; and 34 carbs, all according to BK's nutritional facts information: http://www.bk.com/#menu=3,1,-1
A Burger King Whopper Sandwich will have 680 calories in it.
The Burger King Double Whopper, with cheese, has 1061 calories and 68 grams of fat--28 of which are saturated fat.
It has over 250 calories not healthy for you. Eat better with Burger King
The nutritional information of Burger King's products can be found on their website. Visit their official website and click nutrition then click dietary needs.
666, the number of the rain (Fyi rain=chunky people)
There are about 385 calories in a bacon egg and cheese croissant from Burger King.
300 calories.
There are 150 calories..
540 calories.
33 calories