Japanese. And tasty...
"Teriyaki" is a Japanese word, and in approximation, would equate to 照燒 (based on cultural/language influences between Chinese and Japanese)
紅燒雞肉 Hóngshāo jīròu
紅燒雞肉 Hóng shāo jī ròu
Teriyaki Boyz was created in 2005.
In Japanese, 'don' means 'on rice.' So 'beef teriyaki don' means 'beef teriyaki served on rice.'
In Japanese, 'don' means 'on rice.' So 'beef teriyaki don' means 'beef teriyaki served on rice.'
In Japanese, 'don' means 'on rice.' So 'beef teriyaki don' means 'beef teriyaki served on rice.'
If you mean teriyaki sauce then you've already spelt it correctly.
While many countries use Teriyaki sauce in their cuisine, it was originally used in Japan. The Teriyaki sauce is primarily used for marinades and can be seen in foods like Teriyaki beef.