Chicken should be safe to eat within 3 to 4 days, refrigerated.
one week
One week.
It might heat up better if you do thaw it first. Thaw it in the fridge.
It's a bit "iffy". If your fridge is a degree above freezing, and the lasagna was tightly wrapped it should be right on the line. if your fridge is around 40 degrees, it has gone bad a day or so before. I wouldn't risk it. call out for a pizza instead.
If cooked, about a week in the fridge. If still packaged, the months, and yes even years
Probably, if it was properly stored, but it is at the end of its window of safety for consumption.
As long as there's no meat mixed in with it, it should keep for up to a week and a half in the fridge. It goes dry the longer you keep it in there, though.
This could depend on a number of things, such as they age of the carrots when you purchased them and the manner in which they are stored. You can tell they are beginning to decline when they go soft and limp. When their skin becomes slimy, they are bad.
This completely depends on whether it's frozen, just made, cooked, uncooked, ingredients, etc. Your question isn't specific enough to answer properly. HOWEVER, let's assume its' a cooked meat lasagna and you had it for dinner but you forgot to refrigerate it before going to bed. If you live in a cold climate and the house is chilly all night, you'll probably be okay if you put it into a fridge immediately when you wake up. If you live in Arizona or Guam, you've just lost your lasagna. The meat and the pasta will start to grow things you can't see within a couple of hours of sitting out of the fridge. Personally, I wouldn't chance eating a lasagna that sat out all night unless I was absolutely broke and cramming for a test or so hungover that I couldn't get to the store. Then, it usually doesn't matter as long as it fills the void until something better comes along.
In general a good rule of thumb is to throw out any food that has been in your fridge for more than a week.