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It depends on who you mean....

the king ate duck, chicken, turkey and fine fruits.

knights ate left over food e.g chicken and turkey

and the peasents eat rats, rubbish and any thing they can find e.g dead frogs or bugs

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Q: In England between 1558-1603 What kind of food did people eat?
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Some of the jobs that were common in England included carpentry and the sale of food products. People got food to sell from ranches and plantations.

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Their food was second class. Third class people ate third class food and baggage class people did not eat at all.

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its what you get from really old people and they transport food from diffrenet places of the world

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i think they bought food to the Trinidad's people.

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i don't know but that is a really tricky question.

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neolithic people farmed and paleolithic hunted for food

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It pervented Raleigh Walter to send food to the settlers on Roanoke island for 3 years

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