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According to research by the National Coffee Association, 56 percent of adults living in the United States drank coffee every day in 2006, about 112 million people. This percentage rose from 53 percent in 2005 and 49 percent in 2004. Another 25 percent have some occasionally. This amounts to nearly $18 billion spent on coffee by Americans yearly.

Regular coffee drinkers in the United States have about three cups daily---that's about 336 million cups of coffee. Nearly 60 percent is consumed during breakfast.

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โˆ™ 9y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

The average American does not spend money at Starbucks. The average cusomer of Starbucks (which is more like only 1/16th of the American cities population) who can AFFORD to purchase overpriced coffee from that enterprise usually buys about 3-5 Starbucks a week. So if you average $5 each time you are spending $15 to $25 a week on specialty coffee. Many Starbucks customers have stopped buying from Starbucks because of the high cost and they can now get specialty coffee from other venues such as McDonalds, Dutch Brothers and other enterprises for half to one fourth the cost of Starbucks prices. Some rural people, believe it or not, have never even seen or tasted a Starbucks fancy coffee, but some have when they have visited the ciities to stock up on supplies.

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โˆ™ 13y ago

Around 800.00 a year but you could save alot of that if you brought your own NESCAFÉ TASTER'S CHOICE stick packs with you.

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โˆ™ 12y ago


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