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I've been script supervising since 1996. The first job I got was a referral from a film school editor who had used my notes to cut with. I had worked on a dozen student projects while studying Screenwriting. The pay on my first real job outside of school per was 75 dollars per day. I didn't care because I wanted to build credits.

I volunteered to help a couple of well known people on their shorts (for free), again to build credits. With those credits I sent out resumes, and because I had examples of my work (I have great legibility and had references and testimonials about my flawless continuity) I started getting work on Independent features.

For years I was making $100 per day. I pick up commercials along the way, and the pay is much higher: from $300 to $600 per day. Once you are in the union, the pay on TV or film shows is from $20 to $28 per hour.

If you are starting out, I recommend finding a great teacher and reading Pat Miller's book. Do a bunch of freebies (ten or more) before expecting to make money at it. If you are in film school, that is a perfect opportunity to build credits and experience.

You should also look at the new digital technology. "The tablet" may be the way to go.

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