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$20 an hour i work at mcdonalds and i flip burgers

I don't know about flipping buggers but you normally get about 9.80 an hour.

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15y ago

3.99 for a McChicken burger in Calgary

4.30 for a Double Cheeseburger

2.50 for a Chicken Burger

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Q: How much does McDonald's make for selling a burger?
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How much is a cheese burger at McDonald's?

a cheese burger in mcdonalds can be 1.95 or 2.00

How much fat is in a mcdonalds cheese burger?

12 grams

How much does mcdonalds fish burger cost?

~$3.49 (one)

How much suger is in McDonald foods?

one burger contains about 400g's of sugar one time my sister found a rat in her burger from mcdonalds and that is just evil

Does Burger King use pink slime?

Well I know McDonalds does and I think Burger King does too because they use the same meat. hope that helps!! much much love Chloe

Is there starch in a mcdonalds happy meal burger?

yes but im not sure how much we did a test in biology that was positive for starch

Where can you get some food?

at the store,stater bros,wal-mart,albertsons,mcdonalds,burger king and so much MORE

Is Burger King better than McDonald's?

McDonalds would be more tastier to me, but Burger Kings is much healthier than McDOnalds. So it all depends on you if you like ... 1.) McDonalds: Tasty, but not healthy. .....OR... 2.) Burger Kings: Tasty and healthy. P.S. I think the best way to find out is do a survey people and ask them the following question: Is Burger King better than McDonalds? Then just tally the results! :) Yes because Burger King has tastier food. Their burgers are better and so are their fries.

Do you like McDonald's or Burger King?

Burger King, i think the dollar menu on burger king is much better(tastier) and lower calories and more choices. Fast food is overly priced, unhealthy in content, in many cases connected with unsanitary preparation and it does not in any manner contribute to good health in any living creature. Energetic NO to both. Answer Neither are healthy AT ALL but i guess i would pick burger king becuz mcdonalds seems much greesier.

Why does Burger King kill you?

because the food has so much cholesterol and fat that is not good for your body, this cholesterol and fat blokes your arteries stopping the blood in you body getting to your heart.(not by cooln)Right so mcdonalds is healther than burger king.BUT you can still die only eating mcdonalds but you will have a better chance living than only eating burger king.By:coolnthe mcdonalds part is wrong...THERE BOTH UNHEALTHY FOR YOUR BODY!!! STOP EATING THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whick is healther mcdoalds or Burger King?

Well i say neither. But Burger Kings burgers are better than McDonalds and McDonalds french fries are better than Burger Kings.Burger King toys are better than McDonaldsBurger King keeps on stealing ideas from McDonalds.

How much money did McDonalds make 2009?

A lot