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Or: How much ground would a ground hog hog if a ground hog would hog ground?

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Q: How many eggs could an eggroll roll if eggrolls could roll eggs?
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Related questions

How many eggs could a society finch lay?

they can lay 4 to 6 eggs

How many eggs could an anaconda laid?

They do not lay eggs, the have live born babies, that are ready to hunt when they are born.

How many frog eggs get eaten?

This isn't a question that has a straight answer there could be all eggs eaten or a few depends on the area

If a dog has fleas will there just be one or many?

there could only be one flea that you see but there could also be many eggs from that flea.

About how many eggs could a caterpiller lay?

A caterpillar cannot lay eggs. Caterpillars are immature forms that specialize in eating. When they turn into adult moths and butterflies, they will mate and lay eggs.

How many brown eggs laid a year by chicken?

there is no real answer there could be one to a million.

How many ways could you fit 3 eggs into a egg box?

more than one

What kind of egg could this be I found it in a creek it's off white oval shaped soft and a little bigger than a quarter?

It is likely a reptile or bird egg, based on the size and description provided. It's best to avoid handling or disturbing the egg further as it could harm the developing embryo. If you're curious, you could try to identify it with a wildlife expert or contact a local wildlife rehabilitation center for assistance.

How many eggs 1cup of egg substitute?

Egg's come in different size & grades. Take your measuring cup and add eggs till you reach 1 cup. It could be 4 eggs to 8 eggs depending on size.

Can you get achievements from Easter eggs in halo?

Yes, there are many of them, but some are extremely hard to find

How many eggs could a queen bee lay in a week?

A honey bee queen can lay between 1000 and 2000 eggs PER DAY in the height of the season. Therefore 14,000 eggs per week is quite possible.

How many eggs are in England?

all of the eggs in England, is how many there are...